Full lists of English words

We have a complete dictionary of words in English and we make possible for you to find the words that match a certain criterion: type, length, spelling, phonology, irregularity, etc.

Most sites include just a few examples, but we have the largest and most thorough compilation on the Internet. Stop searching in many sites, if we don't have an example, then probably it's because it doesn't exist!

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The best lists

List Examples Items Category PDF Image
Words beginning with a vowel but don't use the "an" article user, use, usage, university, universe, unity, unit, union, uniform 145 Special words
Adjectives ending in y sorry, ready, only, necessary, military, likely, happy, easy, early 1000 Words with a certain ending
Most common verbs in English would, will, see, may, know, have, do, can, be 1000 Combined data
Words ending in -ly that are not adverbs unlikely, supply, only, lovely, likely, family, early, daily, apply 2159 Words with a certain ending
Adjectives ending in -er proper, other, lower, latter, later, higher, further, former, better 970 Words with a certain ending
Nouns whose plural doesn't end in -s woman, media, man, foot, fish, fig., child, chairman, aircraft 500 Words with a certain ending
Words with a silent h human, huge, hour, hotel, honest, home, historic, himself, herself 58 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Adverbs not ending in -ly well, up, then, so, out, now, not, more, just 500 Words with a certain ending
Most common nouns in English year, world, work, way, time, man, life, government, day 1000 Words of a certain type
Words ending in -tion that are not nouns sanction, question, position, petition, mention, function, caution, apportion, anti-abortion 759 Words with a certain ending
Verbs ending in -en widen, weaken, tighten, threaten, strengthen, open, listen, happen, frighten 544 Words with a certain ending
Verbs ending in -ss press, pass, miss, guess, express, discuss, cross, assess, address 397 Words with a certain ending

Browse lists by category view all

Words with a certain pronunciation

Words with a syllabic consonant, silent letters, etc.

View all (6)

Combined data

Most used words, most common endings, etc.

View all (17)

Special words

Words with a feminine form, with multiple plural forms, etc.

View all (18)

Words by stressed syllable

Like nouns with stress in the second syllable, or the first syllable

View all (24)

Words of a certain type

Nouns, verbs, abbreviations, acronyms, idioms, etc.

View all (29)

Words with a certain spelling

Words with a hyphen, words with double consonant, etc

View all (36)

Words with a particular phonetical ending

Words that end with a certain phoneme (or any of its allophones)

View all (51)

Words with a particular phonetical beginning

Words that begin with a certain phoneme (or any of its allophones)

View all (51)

Words containing a certain phoneme

Words with a certain phoneme (or any of its allophones)

View all (52)

Words with a certain length

The best way to find the longest or shortest words

View all (247)

Words beginning with certain letters

Words that start with a certain pattern

View all (277)

Words with a certain ending

Verbs ending in -o, nouns ending in -s, etc.

View all (284)

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