Letter | Frequency |
e | 509,862 |
a | 421,032 |
i | 416,112 |
o | 379,091 |
n | 347,560 |
r | 335,774 |
t | 327,637 |
l | 275,958 |
s | 269,558 |
c | 206,138 |
u | 164,728 |
d | 154,752 |
m | 145,349 |
p | 144,492 |
h | 142,014 |
g | 109,046 |
y | 105,246 |
b | 90,395 |
f | 63,353 |
k | 51,932 |
v | 42,080 |
w | 38,736 |
z | 20,068 |
x | 16,983 |
q | 7,947 |
j | 7,777 |
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.