Verbs with a possible rare form for the past participle (76)

Word Past Participle Past Participle Rare
may -mought
come comecomen
find foundfounden
set setsetten
help helpedholpen
let letletten
show shownshowed
read readreaden
write writtenwrit
hold heldholden
hit hithitten
sit satsitten
forget forgottenforgot
drive drivendruv
lie lainlien
fight foughtfoughten
hide hiddenhid
sing sungsungen
lift liftedyleft
burst burstbursten
step steppedstopen
climb climbedclumb
shoot shotshotten
owe owedown
yield yieldedyolden
dress dresseddrest
extract extractedextraught
slide slidslidden
swing swungswungen
bind boundbounden
lock lockedlocken
bite bittenbit
load loadedloaden
bake bakedbaken
fold foldedfolden
leap leapedlopen
creep creptcropen
uphold upheldupholden
abide abodeabidden
chew chewedchewn
starve starvedstorven
behold beheldbeholden
withhold withheldwithholden
shove shovedshoven
carve carvedcorven
sew sewnsewen
fare faredfaren
thread threadedthridden
glide glidedglode
ache achedaken
delve delveddolven
awake awokenawaked
wring wrungwringed
bequeath bequeathedbequethen
writhe writhedwrithen
braid braidedbrowden
gripe gripedgripen
seethe seethedsodden
bespeak bespokenbespoke
smart smartedsmorten
unbind unboundunbounden
spay spayedspade
hould heldhoulden
frain frainedfrounen
hagride hagriddenhagrid
upleap upleapeduplopen
ding dingeddung
bestep besteppedbestopen
mishold misheldmisholden
flay flayedflain
ween weenedwend
behelp behelpedbeholpen
fistfight fistfoughtfistfoughten
bebark bebarkedbeborken
prank prankedprankt
outhold outheldoutholden

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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