Words with the prefix "therm" (381)

This morpheme tends to mean "heat, warm". Some of the most representative words that include it are: thermostat, thermal, exothermic

See the full list below:

  • thermal
  • thermometer
  • thermostat
  • thermodynamics
  • thermonuclear
  • thermodynamic
  • thermos
  • thermally
  • thermostatic
  • thermoluminescence
  • thermostatically
  • thermoplastic
  • thermocouple
  • thermoregulation
  • thermoregulatory
  • thermodynamically
  • thermae
  • thermosetting
  • thermocoagulation
  • thermosphere
  • thermostable
  • thermochemical
  • thermic
  • thermohaline
  • therm
  • thermionic
  • thermistor
  • thermography
  • thermite
  • thermoacidophilic
  • thermochemistry
  • thermoelasticity
  • thermogenesis
  • thermographic
  • thermit
  • thermocline
  • thermodynamical
  • thermoelastic
  • thermoforming
  • thermogravimetric
  • thermolabile
  • thermoluminescent
  • thermostatted
  • therm-
  • thermo-
  • thermochromic
  • thermoelectric
  • thermogenic
  • thermokarst
  • thermolysis
  • thermometric
  • thermometry
  • thermoneutral
  • thermophilic
  • thermophilous
  • thermoremanent
  • thermosensitive
  • thermospheric
  • thermaesthesia
  • Thermageddon
  • thermal analysis
  • thermal break
  • thermal camera
  • thermal coal
  • thermal compound
  • thermal conductance
  • thermal conductivity
  • thermal contact
  • thermal credit
  • thermal cycler
  • thermal desorption
  • thermal energy
  • thermal gel
  • thermal grease
  • thermal imaging
  • thermal lance
  • thermal lithosphere
  • thermal neutron
  • thermal oxidizer
  • thermal paper
  • thermal paste
  • thermal printer
  • thermal radiation
  • thermal rocket
  • thermal spring
  • thermal turbulence
  • thermal underwear
  • thermal-paper
  • thermalgia
  • thermalgravimetric
  • thermalisation
  • thermalise
  • thermalised
  • thermalism
  • thermality
  • thermalization
  • thermalize
  • thermalized
  • thermalon
  • thermanæsthesia
  • thermanesthesia
  • thermantidote
  • thermate
  • thermatological
  • thermatology
  • thermel
  • thermet
  • thermic lance
  • Thermidor
  • Thermidorian
  • thermifugine
  • thermin
  • thermion
  • thermionic valve
  • thermionically
  • thermionics
  • thermister
  • thermitase
  • thermite reaction
  • thermoablation
  • thermoacidophile
  • thermoacoustic
  • thermoacoustics
  • thermoacoustimetry
  • thermoactivated
  • thermoanaesthesia
  • thermoanæsthesia
  • thermoanalytical
  • thermoanesthesia
  • thermobalance
  • thermoballistic
  • thermobaric
  • thermobarograph
  • thermobarometer
  • thermobattery
  • thermocapillarity
  • thermocapillary
  • thermocatalytic
  • thermocatheter
  • thermocautery
  • thermoception
  • thermochemic
  • thermochemically
  • thermochemist
  • thermochemolysis
  • thermochemolytic
  • thermochroic
  • thermochromatic
  • thermochromatographic
  • thermochromatographically
  • thermochromatography
  • thermochrome
  • thermochromism
  • thermochromy
  • thermochronological
  • thermochronologically
  • thermochronology
  • thermochronometry
  • thermoclastic
  • thermoclasty
  • thermocompositional
  • thermocompression
  • thermoconductance
  • thermoconform
  • thermoconformer
  • thermocontainer
  • thermocontrolled
  • thermoconversion
  • thermocurrent
  • thermocycler
  • thermocycling
  • thermodegradation
  • thermodenuder
  • thermodependency
  • thermodesorbable
  • thermodesorber
  • thermodesorption
  • thermodiffractogram
  • thermodiffusion
  • thermodilatometric
  • thermodilatometry
  • thermodilution
  • thermodin
  • thermoduric
  • thermodynamic equilibrium
  • thermodynamic state
  • thermodynamic system
  • thermodynamic temperature
  • thermodynamicist
  • thermoecological
  • thermoecology
  • thermoeffect
  • thermoelectrical
  • thermoelectrically
  • thermoelectricity
  • thermoelectrics
  • thermoelectrometer
  • thermoelectrometry
  • thermoelectromotive
  • thermoelement
  • thermofield
  • thermofluctuational
  • thermofluidic
  • thermoform
  • thermoformability
  • thermoformable
  • thermofractal
  • thermogen
  • Thermogene
  • thermogenetic
  • thermogenicity
  • thermogenics
  • thermogenin
  • thermogenous
  • thermogeological
  • thermogradient
  • thermogram
  • thermograph
  • thermographer
  • thermographically
  • thermogravimeter
  • thermogravimetrically
  • thermogravimetry
  • thermohaline circulation
  • thermohalocline
  • thermohardening
  • thermohydraulic
  • thermohydraulics
  • thermohydrometer
  • thermojet
  • thermojunction
  • thermokinesis
  • thermokinetic
  • thermokinetics
  • thermolability
  • thermologist
  • thermology
  • thermolysin
  • thermolytic
  • thermolyze
  • thermomagnetic
  • thermomagnetism
  • thermomagnetometry
  • thermomagnonic
  • thermomechanical
  • thermomechanically
  • thermomechanics
  • thermomechanometry
  • thermometre
  • thermometrical
  • thermometrically
  • thermometrograph
  • thermomicrofluid
  • thermomixer
  • thermomolding
  • thermomolecular
  • thermomould
  • thermomoulding
  • thermomultiplier
  • thermonastic
  • thermonasty
  • thermonatrite
  • thermoneutrality
  • thermonuclear bomb
  • thermonuclear weapon
  • thermonuclearly
  • thermopane
  • thermoparticulate
  • thermopathological
  • thermopathology
  • thermopause
  • thermophile
  • thermophilically
  • thermophilicity
  • thermophily
  • thermophobia
  • thermophone
  • thermophonic
  • thermophore
  • thermophoresis
  • thermophoretic
  • thermophoretically
  • thermophotometry
  • thermophotovoltaic
  • thermophotovoltaics
  • thermophylic
  • thermophysical
  • thermophysiological
  • thermophysiology
  • thermopile
  • thermoplanet
  • thermoplastic resin
  • thermoplastically
  • thermoplasticity
  • Thermopolis
  • thermopower
  • thermopriming
  • thermoprinter
  • thermoprinting
  • thermoprofile
  • thermoprogrammer
  • thermoptometry
  • Thermopylae
  • thermoratchet
  • thermoreceptor
  • thermoreflectance
  • thermoreflective
  • thermoreflectivity
  • thermoregulate
  • thermoregulating
  • thermoregulator
  • thermoremanence
  • thermoremanent magnetization
  • thermoreregulation
  • thermoresistance
  • thermoresistant
  • thermoresponsive
  • thermoretractable
  • thermoreversible
  • thermosalinograph
  • thermosbaenacean
  • thermoscope
  • thermoscopic
  • thermoscopically
  • thermoscopy
  • thermosensation
  • thermosensing
  • thermosensitively
  • thermosensitivity
  • thermosensor
  • thermosensory
  • thermoset
  • thermosettable
  • thermoshaker
  • thermosiphon
  • thermosolutal
  • thermosonimetry
  • thermospray
  • thermostabile
  • thermostability
  • thermostabilization
  • thermostabilized
  • thermostabilizing
  • thermostated
  • thermostatics
  • thermostatistic
  • thermostatistical
  • thermostatistics
  • thermosteric
  • thermoswitch
  • thermosynthesis
  • thermosynthetic
  • thermosyphon
  • thermosystaltic
  • thermotactic
  • thermotank
  • thermotaxic
  • thermotaxis
  • thermotensile
  • thermotension
  • thermotherapeutic
  • thermotherapy
  • thermotic
  • thermotical
  • thermotics
  • thermotolerance
  • thermotolerant
  • thermotonus
  • thermotransport
  • thermotropic
  • thermotropism
  • thermotropy
  • thermotype
  • thermotypy
  • thermovinification
  • thermoviscoelastic
  • thermoviscoelasticity
  • thermovoltage
  • thermovoltaic
  • thermowell
  • thermozymocidin

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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