This morpheme tends to mean "under, beneath". Some of the most representative words that include it are: substitute, subtraction, subway
See the full list below:
- subject
- substantial
- subsequent
- subsequently
- substance
- substitute
- subtle
- subsidiary
- substantially
- submit
- subjective
- submission
- substantive
- subordinate
- subscription
- subsidy
- substitution
- suburban
- subsection
- sub
- submarine
- suburb
- subsistence
- subscribe
- subtly
- subversive
- substrate
- subjectivity
- subsidence
- subconscious
- sublime
- subtlety
- subordination
- subset
- subversion
- subject-matter
- subcommittee
- subterranean
- substantiate
- subsidiarity
- subunit
- subway
- subscriber
- subduction
- subtract
- submissive
- subsidise
- subgroup
- subconsciously
- subservient
- subdivision
- subsystem
- subdue
- subvert
- subjection
- subcontinent
- subcutaneous
- subtraction
- suburbia
- sub-system
- subjectively
- subside
- subculture
- subsurface
- submersible
- subservience
- subroutine
- subcontractor
- subjugation
- sub-standard
- subsoil
- substandard
- subsidize
- subliminal
- subterfuge
- sub-paragraph
- subtitle
- subtype
- subnormal
- subclass
- subcontract
- subspecies
- subcutaneously
- substratum
- subtropical
- subtext
- subjunctive
- subdivide
- subpoena
- submatrix
- subcultural
- submerge
- subscript
- submucosal
- subsist
- subfamily
- sub-national
- sub-tropical
- sublet
- subaltern
- subjectivism
- subcortical
- subpolar
- subclinical
- sublimation
- subsea
- suburbanization
- sub-atomic
- sub-zero
- subatomic
- subsume
- subaerial
- sublimely
- submergence
- sub-lieutenant
- submucosa
- subluxation
- subjugate
- substation
- subliminally
- sublease
- sub-discipline
- suboptimal
- subjectivist
- subvention
- subdominant
- substitutability
- substantively
- submachine
- subadditivity
- submissiveness
- subepithelial
- subtotal
- subarctic
- subtropics
- sublimity
- substage
- submissively
- subdirectory
- subrogation
- subtenant
- substantiation
- subfield
- subhuman
- submitter
- sublimate
- substructure
- subgame
- sub-surface
- submersion
- subsonic
- substitutable
- subtest
- sub-category
- subclause
- submassive
- submaximal
- subpentagonal
- subregional
- subarachnoid
- subsample
- subtractive
- suboesophageal
- subadult
- subserve
- substate
- subpopulation
- subcellular
- subzero
- subhepatic
- sub-par
- subantarctic
- submariner
- subnormality
- subsid
- subsequence
- subdeacon
- subsidisation
- subvocal
- subfertility
- subacute
- substitutional
- submicroscopic
- sublanguage
- subframe
- subheading
- sublittoral
- substituent
- subsalicylate
- subaqueous
- subaxial
- submandibular
- submerse
- subplot
- subclone
- subconfluent
- sublation
- subsumption
- subdural
- subfulminant
- subfusc
- subglobular
- subgrouping
- subhorizontal
- subjacent
- subalpine
- subassembly
- subtend
- subtenancy
- subcomponent
- submillimetre
- subsidization
- subversively
- subgenre
- subhead
- submergent
- subalar
- submediant
- suborder
- subarea
- subcategory
- subspecialty
- subtleness
- subversiveness
- subtyping
- subcommission
- subcontinental
- subcostal
- sublunar
- submicron
- suborbital
- suborn
- subrange
- subdiscipline
- subfecundity
- subfraction
- subfragment
- subj
- subjecthood
- subjectless
- sub-problem
- subproblem
- subtherapeutic
- submentum
- submenu
- subprocess
- subnational
- subterraneous
- subthreshold
- subconsciousness
- subcosta
- sublunary
- submaxillary
- subnotebook
- subpackage
- subparallel
- subnarial
- subsaharan
- subdivisional
- subsolar
- substitutive
- substitutionary
- subverter
- subfertile
- subfile
- subgenus
- subito
- submembrane
- sub-bass
- subserosal
- sub-light
- sub-rectangular
- sublethal
- subskill
- subterm
- subvent
- subadditive
- subpool
- subambient
- subserviency
- substring
- subtile
- subapical
- subsecond
- subwoofer
- subtree
- sublingual
- subline
- subparagraph
- subcategorization
- subterminal
- subcommand
- subcompact
- subcoxa
- subdermal
- subordinacy
- subnasal
- subordinance
- subregion
- submucous
- subsistent
- subspecialist
- subspace
- substitutionally
- subtask
- subtense
- subtility
- subeditor
- subsymbolic
- subendocardial
- subendothelium
- subvolcanic
- subentry
- subepidermal
- subtopian
- subgeneric
- subglacial
- subjectiveness
- sub-audible
- sublexical
- sub-deacon
- sub-fusc
- sub-prefecture
- sub.
- subnet
- subsector
- subsubsection
- subxiphoid
- subadar
- subaerially
- suboptimum
- subspherical
- subangular
- subaortic
- subtelomeric
- subaqua
- suburbanism
- subarrangement
- subbie
- subcanopy
- subcapsular
- sublibrary
- submodality
- submillimetric
- submembranous
- sublevel
- subcase
- subcaste
- subordinately
- subproject
- subcategorisation
- subrent
- subsaturation
- subrounded
- subsetted
- subsolidus
- subsoiling
- substantiality
- subcentre
- substrategic
- substitutivity
- subchondral
- subtheme
- substantival
- subclan
- subword
- subclassify
- subclavian
- subcloud
- subcritically
- subcuticular
- subdean
- sublicense
- subliterature
- sublate
- submontane
- subdiaphragmatic
- subornation
- suborner
- subphonemic
- subprincipal
- subprogramme
- subpotency
- subperitoneal
- subscale
- subsampling
- subrule
- subperiod
- sublabial
- subserosa
- subdivisible
- subsoiler
- subdocument
- subst.
- subspecific
- subduct
- substudy
- subeconomic
- subtidal
- subtopia
- subtilly
- subkingdom
- suburbanisation
- subendothelial
- subzone
- subtour
- suber
- suberization
- subfamilial
- subfloor
- subfunction
- subgingival
- subglottal
- subgrid
- subharmonic
- subhedral
- subhumanly
- subhumid
- subinfeudation
- subjectify
- subjet
- sub atomic
- sub bench
- sub judice
- sub out
- sub silencio
- sub voce
- sub-
- sub-Byzantine
- Sub-Carpathian Rus
- sub-cloud car
- sub-desert
- sub-element
- sub-excavation
- sub-floral
- sub-Gaussian
- sub-municipality
- sub-page
- sub-para.
- sub-prime
- sub-province
- sub-provincial
- sub-renter
- sub-Saharan
- Sub-Saharan
- sub-Saharan Africa
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- sub-superstition
- subactivating
- subactive
- subactivity
- subacuminate
- subacute regional lymphadenitis
- subacutely
- subadamantine
- Subadar
- subadarship
- subadiabatic
- subadiabaticity
- subadjacent
- subadnate
- subadolescent
- subaduncate
- subadviser
- subadvisor
- subadvocate
- subaffective
- subaffluent
- subagency
- subagent
- subagglutinating
- subah
- subahdar
- subahdary
- subahship
- subaid
- subalgebra
- subalgebraic
- subalignment
- subaliquot
- subalkaline
- suballantoid
- suballocate
- suballocation
- suballocator
- subappendix
- subaquatic
- subaqueously
- subarachnoid space
- subarachnoidal
- subarborescent
- subarc
- subarcmin
- subarcsecond
- subarcuate
- subarcuated
- subareal
- subareolar
- Subarian
- subarid
- subaridity
- subarration
- subarray
- subarticular
- subarticulate
- Subartu
- Subaru
- subashi
- subaspect
- subassumption
- subastral
- subastringent
- subathizone
- subatlantic
- subatmosphere
- subatmospheric
- subatom
- subatomic particle
- subatomically
- subatomics
- subattribute
- subaudi
- subaudible
- subaudite
- subaudition
- subauditory
- subauroral
- subaverage
- subaxillary
- subbag
- subband
- subbarrier
- subbasal
- subbase
- subbasement
- subbasin
- subbasis
- subbatch
- subbeadle
- subber
- subbilobate
- subbimodule
- subbituminous
- subblock
- subboard
- subbotnik
- subbottom
- subbrachian
- subbrachycephalic
- subbranch
- subbrand
- subbreed
- subbronchial
- subbundle
- subbureau
- Subbuteo
- subby
- subcabinet
- subcache
- subcaliber
- subcalibre
- subcallosal
- subcamp
- subcampanulate
- subcapital
- subcircuit
- subclade
- subclaim
- subclassification
- subclassified
- subclausal
- subclavian artery
- subclavian steal syndrome
- subclavicular
- subclavius
- subcleithral
- subclimate
- subclinically
- subclip
- subclonal
- subclosure
- subcluster
- subclustered
- subcoastal
- subcode
- subcoeruleus
- subcohort
- subcollection
- subcollege
- subcollegiate
- subcolony
- subcolumn
- subcolumnar
- subcomb
- Subcomm.
- subcommander
- subcommunity
- subcompartment
- subcompartmental
- subcompartmentalization
- subcomplex
- subcomposition
- subcompound
- subcompounding
- subcompressed
- subconcave
- subconcept
- subconceptual
- subcondensate
- subcondition
- subconducting
- subcondylar
- subcone
- subconfiguration
- subconfluence
- subconfluency
- subconfluently
- subconformable
- subcongenic
- subconical
- subconjunctiva
- subconjunctival
- subconjunctivally
- subconsole
- subconsomic
- subconstellation
- subconstituency
- subconstituent
- subconstruct
- subcontemporaneous
- subcontext
- subcontextual
- subcontiguous
- subcontinuous
- subcontinuum
- subcontrabass
- subcontractable
- subcontractee
- subcontraoctave
- subcontrariety
- subcontrary
- subcontrol
- subcontroller
- subconversation
- subconversational
- subconvex
- subconvexity
- subcookie
- subcool
- subcooled
- subcooling
- subcoracoid
- subcordate
- subcoriaceous
- subcorneal
- subcorneous
- subcorpus
- subcortex
- subcortically
- subcosmopolitan
- subcostalis
- subcountability
- subcountable
- subcounty
- subcourse
- subcovariance
- subcover
- subcovering
- subcranial
- subcreation
- subcreative
- subcreator
- subcrenate
- subcrepitant
- subcrescentic
- subcriterion
- subcritical
- subcritical mass
- subcriticality
- subcross
- subcrossing
- subcrustaceous
- subcrustal
- subcrystalline
- subcube
- subcubic
- subcuisine
- subcultivate
- subcultivation
- subcultrate
- subculturalist
- subculturally
- subculturing
- subculturist
- subcurative
- subcurrent
- subcurve
- subcutis
- subcycle
- subcycling
- subcylinder
- subcylindric
- subcylindrical
- subcytotoxic
- subdaily
- subdatabase
- subdataset
- subdatasheet
- subdeaconry
- subdeaconship
- subdeanery
- subdeb
- subdecanal
- subdecibel
- subdecision
- subdeck
- subzygomatic
- subentire
- subenvironment
- subependyma
- subependymal
- subependymoma
- subepicardial
- subepidemic
- subepiglottic
- subequal
- subequally
- subequation
- subequatorial
- Suber
- Subera
- suberanilohydroxamic acid
- suberate
- suberect
- subereous
- subergorgiid
- suberic
- suberic acid
- suberin
- suberine
- suberise
- suberite
- suberitid
- suberize
- suberone
- suberose
- suberosis
- suberous
- suberoyl
- suberoylanilide
- suberror
- subesophageal
- subessive
- subessive case
- subeth
- subethnicity
- subevent
- subexcedant
- subexponential
- subexponentiality
- subexponentially
- subexpression
- subextensive
- subextremal
- subf.
- subfab
- subface
- subfacial
- subfactor
- subfactorial
- subfan
- subfascial
- subfastigiate
- subfastigiately
- subfault
- subfeature
- subfebrile
- subfemtomolar
- subfemtosecond
- subfemtotesla
- subfenestral
- subferulary
- subfeu
- subfibrous
- subfigure
- subfilter
- subfix
- subflooring
- subflora
- subfloral
- subfluvial
- subfolder
- subfoliate
- subfont
- subforest
- subform
- subformat
- subformula
- subfornical
- subforum
- subfossil
- subfossilized
- subfovea
- subfoveal
- subfractal
- subfractionation
- subfranchise
- subfranchisee
- subfreezing
- subfrequency
- subfreshman
- subfulgent
- subfunctional
- subfunctionalization
- subfunctor
- subfund
- subfuscous
- subfusk
- subg.
- subgalactic
- subgaleal
- subgap
- subgaussian
- subgelatinous
- subgena
- subgenal
- subgender
- subgeneration
- subgenital
- subgenitalia
- SubGenius
- subgenogroup
- subgenome
- subgenomic
- subgenotype
- subgens
- subgenual
- subgerminal
- subgiant
- subgigabyte
- subgigahertz
- subgingivally
- subglabrous
- subglacial lake
- subglacially
- subglandular
- subglaucous
- subglobose
- subglossal
- subglottic
- subglottically
- subglottis
- subglumaceous
- subgluteal
- subglutinol
- subgoal
- subgovernment
- subgovernor
- subgrade
- subgradient
- subgrain
- subgram
- subgrammar
- subgrant
- subgrantee
- subgranular
- subgranule
- subgraph
- subgraywacke
- subgreywacke
- subgridding
- subgroupoid
- subgum
- subgyrogroup
- Subhaanu
- Subhadra
- subhadronic
- subhallucinogenic
- subhalo
- subhaplogroup
- subhaplotype
- subharmonically
- subhastation
- subhauler
- subheaded
- subheader
- subheadline
- subheadword
- subhealth
- subheap
- subhedging
- subhelic arc
- subhemolytic
- subhertz
- subhexagonal
- subhierarchy
- subhistory
- subhomogeneous
- subhorizon
- subhorizontally
- subhornblendic
- subhourly
- subhumanity
- subhumanness
- subhyaline
- subhyaloid
- subhymenium
- subhyoidean
- subhyperbolic
- subhypergraph
- subhypergroup
- subhypsodont
- Subia
- subicular
- subiculum
- subidea
- subidentity
- subiect
- subimage
- subimago
- subincise
- subincision
- subincumbent
- subincusation
- subindex
- subindicate
- subindication
- subindividual
- subinduce
- subindustry
- subinertial
- subinfeodation
- subinfer
- subinfeudatory
- subingression
- subinhibitory
- subiniac
- subinjurious
- subinspector
- subinspectorship
- subinstruction
- subintellectual
- subintelligitur
- subinteraction
- subinterface
- subinterval
- subintestinal
- subintima
- subintimal
- subintrinsic
- subinvestment
- subinvolution
- subirrigate
- subirrigation
- subisopygous
- subisostatic
- subitaneous
- subitaneously
- subitaneousness
- subitany
- subitem
- subitemset
- subitise
- subitive
- subitizable
- subitization
- subitize
- subitizer
- subjacency
- subjacently
- subject case
- subject clause
- subject complement
- subject heading
- subject indexing
- subject matter
- subject matter jurisdiction
- subject of labor
- subject pronoun
- subject-clause
- subject-control
- subjectable
- subjecter
- subjectification
- subjectile
- subjectist
- subjectivation
- subjective case
- subjective time
- subjectivise
- subjectivistic
- subjectivistically
- subjectivization
- subjectivize
- subjectness
- subjector
- subjectwise
- subjicible
- subjoin
- subjoinder
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.
cool but confusing as well as helpful
Written by: Lawrence Collis on 07/12/2024