This morpheme tends to mean "not". Some of the most representative words that include it are: imperfect, immoral, imbalanced
See the full list below:
- important
- immediately
- importance
- impact
- image
- impossible
- improve
- immediate
- imagine
- improvement
- impression
- impressive
- implementation
- imagination
- imperial
- impose
- implement
- imply
- imprisonment
- immense
- import
- implication
- importantly
- implicit
- immigration
- imaginative
- immune
- imminent
- imaginary
- impulse
- imposition
- impatient
- impetus
- immensely
- immunity
- imagery
- impress
- imitation
- imperative
- impatiently
- implicitly
- immaculate
- impersonal
- imbalance
- impatience
- imperialism
- immature
- impairment
- improper
- improbable
- immigrant
- imperfect
- impossibility
- immoral
- impartial
- impractical
- immortal
- impeccable
- imitate
- impedance
- immersion
- imprint
- impotent
- imperialist
- importer
- impulsive
- immaterial
- immortality
- impenetrable
- improvisation
- impossibly
- impartiality
- impotence
- impasse
- impinge
- impracticable
- impromptu
- importation
- immediacy
- impart
- impressively
- impressionist
- imaginable
- implausible
- implant
- impervious
- immobile
- impair
- impassive
- immorality
- implacable
- impede
- impassioned
- imp
- improperly
- imprecise
- imperfectly
- immaculately
- imperceptibly
- impregnable
- impediment
- immunisation
- impeccably
- immunological
- imaginatively
- immeasurably
- imperious
- improvise
- impunity
- impassable
- impeachment
- immunoglobulin
- impropriety
- imam
- imperceptible
- impertinent
- immovable
- immutable
- impressionable
- impulsively
- imminence
- immobility
- impurity
- impressionistic
- immemorial
- impetuous
- improbably
- imperium
- impresario
- imitative
- immaturity
- impure
- impoverishment
- impressionism
- impersonation
- immerse
- immunology
- implantation
- imo
- imprison
- impliedly
- immunofluorescence
- impartially
- immanent
- immunohistochemical
- impolite
- imperiously
- immunodeficiency
- impertinence
- imputation
- immunoreactivity
- implicature
- imperfection
- imprudent
- impersonality
- impermeable
- improv
- impudent
- immeasurable
- immensity
- implicate
- imprecision
- impecunious
- imprimatur
- implacably
- immunization
- immunoreactive
- improbability
- immunohistochemistry
- immunosuppressive
- imbecile
- importunate
- impish
- impeller
- impregnation
- immunoassay
- implexion
- impudence
- implore
- imperil
- impetuosity
- impersonate
- improver
- impermanent
- impeach
- imperishable
- immodest
- impermanence
- impute
- imbue
- immunise
- impulsiveness
- impaction
- impersonally
- impersonator
- impious
- immunosuppression
- impasto
- immunostaining
- impoverish
- impishly
- impetuously
- imposter
- immanence
- immobilise
- immunoblotting
- impotently
- immaterialism
- imperturbable
- imponderable
- improvident
- immunologically
- impatiens
- impost
- immunoprecipitation
- imago
- implausibly
- implosion
- immiscible
- impermissible
- impracticability
- immunocytochemistry
- improvisatory
- immunofluorescent
- immunohistological
- implausibility
- impalpable
- immoderate
- immunoprecipitated
- immunosorbent
- impale
- imminently
- immobilize
- impala
- imploringly
- impracticality
- impugn
- immutability
- impound
- imbalanced
- impel
- imperturbably
- impetigo
- improvidence
- impulsion
- immunoblot
- imprecisely
- immunocytochemical
- impactor
- immunocompetent
- imprest
- improvisational
- imposture
- impostor
- imager
- imagist
- imbroglio
- imino
- impiety
- imperialistic
- imbibe
- implode
- imprudence
- immobilisation
- immunogenicity
- immunoperoxidase
- imitator
- improviser
- immobiliser
- imperator
- imperatively
- implantable
- impolitic
- impregnate
- impertinently
- impassivity
- immobilization
- immunochemical
- impotency
- improvization
- imprudently
- immunohistochemically
- immunostained
- immunotherapy
- imagesetter
- imbecility
- imprisonable
- impingement
- impoundment
- immolation
- impenetrability
- immortalise
- implementable
- immunosuppressant
- imagism
- iman
- impalement
- implicational
- imipramine
- impressiveness
- imprecation
- immoderately
- immortalize
- impro
- imageable
- imagistic
- imperviousness
- imbricated
- impenetrably
- implementational
- immodestly
- immovably
- importunity
- impressionistically
- implementor
- immigrate
- immorally
- immunize
- immunoaffinity
- impressionability
- immunodiffusion
- immunoprecipitate
- immunoregulatory
- immunosuppressed
- impastoed
- impractically
- impassible
- impeachable
- impenitent
- implicitness
- imposingly
- immateriality
- immemorially
- immiseration
- immodesty
- imperially
- immoveable
- imperiousness
- impermeability
- impetuousness
- imperturbability
- implementer
- immunoadsorption
- immunologist
- immunopathological
- immunopathology
- immunoreaction
- impregnability
- imageability
- impecuniosity
- imaginal
- impassibility
- impaler
- imbecilic
- impiously
- impolicy
- impressment
- impartible
- imine
- imitable
- immanently
- immediatism
- immobilism
- immoralist
- imperatival
- imperfectionist
- imperviously
- implacability
- immunoadsorbent
- impluvium
- imprescriptible
- immunodepression
- improvisatore
- immunodot
- impugnable
- immunogenic
- immunologic
- immunomagnetic
- immunomodulation
- immunomodulatory
- immunomorphological
- immunophenotypic
- immunostimulatory
- immunosurgery
- immunoturbidimetry
- immutably
- impartment
- implosive
- implicity
- imagen
- imagin
- imaginativeness
- impregnably
- impecuniousness
- imbiber
- impulsivity
- imbricate
- imidazole
- imperceptive
- impoliteness
- imploy
- importune
- immaterialist
- immaturely
- immersive
- immix
- immobilon
- impassiveness
- immolate
- immovability
- implemental
- immunoalkaline
- immunobiological
- impolitely
- immunoblotted
- imposable
- impropriate
- immunodetection
- immunodiagnostics
- impudently
- impune
- immunogen
- immunogenetic
- immunohistology
- immunolocalisation
- immunomagnetically
- immunoprophylaxis
- immunoregulation
- immunotherapeutic
- immure
- im-
- improvision
- impark
- imagemaker
- impracticably
- impenitently
- importunacy
- imamate
- imari
- imazapyr
- imbecilically
- imbed
- impercipience
- impenitence
- imperativeness
- imparter
- impire
- imbibition
- imployment
- implicative
- impossibilism
- importable
- improviso
- improbity
- imbrication
- impregnator
- imbrown
- imbrute
- imidazoline
- impassionately
- impellent
- impartation
- imperfective
- impercipient
- impermanently
- imin
- implicatory
- imposer
- imipenem
- imitability
- improval
- improvisationally
- improvidently
- imitational
- improperness
- impudicity
- imitativeness
- immaculateness
- immanentist
- immaterially
- immediatist
- immemorably
- immenseness
- immersible
- immiserated
- immiserization
- immiserizing
- immoderation
- immoralism
- immortalisation
- imperceptiveness
- impen
- imperialness
- immotile
- imperforate
- imperishably
- imperfectness
- impex
- immunizable
- immunoabsorption
- immunobiology
- immunoblastic
- imponderous
- impossibilist
- immunochemistry
- impermeably
- immunocompetence
- immunocyte
- immunocytochemically
- impressionableness
- immunodeficient
- imprintable
- impresa
- improvable
- immunodiagnostic
- improvisatrice
- immunoelectrophoresis
- immunohaematological
- immunohaematology
- impactive
- immunometric
- immunomodulator
- immunonegative
- immunopathogenesis
- immunophenotype
- immunophenotyping
- immunophilin
- immunoprecipitating
- immunoscintigraphy
- immunospot
- immunostimulation
- immunoturbidimetric
- immurement
- imp.
- imaam
- imaamate
- imafen
- imagawayaki
- image consultant
- image copy
- image processing
- image tube
- imageboard
- imageless
- imagelike
- imagemap
- imagemapped
- imaginableness
- imaginably
- imaginal disc
- imaginant
- imaginarity
- imaginary axis
- imaginary number
- imaginary part
- imaginary unit
- imaginate
- imaginational
- imaginationalism
- imaginationless
- imaginative fiction
- Imani
- imanixil
- imaret
- imariware
- imarti
- imaum
- imazalil
- imazethapyr
- imazodan
- imba
- imbalm
- imbalmer
- imbalsamation
- imband
- imbank
- imbankment
- imbannered
- imbar
- imbargo
- imbark
- imbarn
- imbarrass
- imbarrassment
- imbase
- imbastardize
- imbat
- imbathe
- imbay
- imbecilely
- imbracery
- imbraid
- imbrangle
- imbrast
- imbreathe
- imbreed
- imbreke
- imbrew
- imbrex
- imbricately
- imbricative
- imbricatoside
- imbriferous
- Imbrium
- imbrocado
- imbrocata
- imbroccata
- Imbros
- imbrue
- imbrued
- imbruement
- imbrutement
- imbuement
- imbuer
- imbuia
- imburse
- imbursement
- imbution
- imciromab
- IMDb
- Imel
- Imeldific
- imell
- imene
- imepitoin
- IMer
- Imereti
- Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome
- imesatin
- imexon
- imgreite
- Imhof
- Imhoff
- imhofite
- Imhotep
- imibenconazole
- imiclopazine
- imid
- imid-
- imidacloprid
- imidafenacin
- imidamine
- imidapril
- imidaprilat
- imidate
- imidation
- imidazenil
- imidazobenzodiazepine
- imidazol
- imidazolate
- imidazolide
- imidazolidine
- imidazolidinone
- imidazolidinyl urea
- immaculacy
- Immaculata
- Immaculate Conception
- immalleable
- immanacle
- immanant
- immanate
- immanation
- immane
- immanely
- immanency
- immanent critique
- immanentise
- immanentism
- immanentistic
- immanentization
- immanentize
- immanifest
- immanity
- immantle
- Immanuel
- immarcescibility
- immarcescible
- immarcescibly
- immarginate
- immatchable
- immaterialise
- immaterialistic
- immaterialize
- immaterialness
- immateriate
- immatured
- immatureness
- immeability
- immeasurability
- immeasurableness
- immeasurate
- immeasured
- immechanical
- immediable
- immediate family
- immediate mode
- immediateness
- immedicable
- immedicably
- Immel
- Immelman
- Immelmann
- Immelmann maneuver
- Immelmann turn
- immelodious
- immemorable
- immensible
- immensive
- immensurability
- immensurable
- immensurate
- immerge
- immerit
- immerited
- immeritorious
- immeritous
- immersable
- immerser
- immersion blender
- immersion foot
- immersion heater
- immersion journalism
- immersion lens
- immersional
- immersionism
- immersionist
- immersively
- immersiveness
- immersivity
- immesh
- immethodical
- immethodically
- immethodicalness
- immethodized
- immetrical
- immew
- immid
- immie
- immigrational
- immigrationism
- immigrationist
- immigrator
- immigratory
- imminency
- imminent abortion
- imminentness
- Immingham
- immingle
- immingling
- imminution
- immiscibility
- immiscibly
- immiserate
- immissio membri
- immission
- immit
- immitigability
- immitigable
- immitigably
- immittance
- immixable
- immixed
- immixt
- imzadi
- immunoenzymometric
- immunoepidemiologic
- immunoepidemiology
- immunoevasion
- immunoevasive
- immunoexpress
- immunoexpression
- immunofixation
- immunofluorescently
- immunofluorimetric
- immunofluorimetry
- immunofluorometric
- immunofluoropositive
- immunofluororeactive
- immunogene
- immunogenetically
- immunogeneticist
- immunogenetics
- immunogenically
- immunogenomic
- immunogenomics
- immunogerontological
- immunoglobin
- immunoglobular
- immunoglobulin E
- immunogold
- immunogold electron microscopy
- immunogram
- immunohaematologist
- immunohematological
- immunohematologist
- immunohematology
- immunohistologic
- immunohistologically
- immunohistopathologic
- immunohistopathological
- immunohistopathologically
- immunohistopathology
- immunohistostaining
- immunoimaging
- immunoinflammatory
- immunoinformatic
- immunoinformatics
- immunoinhibit
- immunoinhibition
- immunoinhibitory
- immunointensity
- immunoisolate
- immunoisolation
- immunokinetic
- immunolabeled
- immunolabeling
- immunolabelled
- immunolabelling
- immunoliposome
- immunolocalise
- immunolocalization
- immunolocalize
- immunologic cytotoxicity
- immunoluminescence
- immunoluminescent
- immunoluminometric
- immunomagnetic separation
- immunomanipulation
- immunomarker
- immunome
- immunomediator
- immunometabolism
- immunomicroscopic
- immunomicroscopy
- immunomics
- immunomodifier
- immunomodulant
- immunomodulate
- immunomodulating
- immunomodulative
- immunomorphology
- immunomycin
- immunonephelometric
- immunonephelometry
- immunoneutral
- immunoneutralisation
- immunoneutralised
- immunoneutralization
- immunoneutralized
- immunonutrition
- immunonutritional
- immunopanel
- immunoparalysis
- immunopathogenic
- immunopathogenicity
- immunopathologic
- immunopellet
- immunopeptide
- immunopeptidome
- immunopeptidomics
- immunopharmacological
- immunopharmacologically
- immunopharmacologist
- immunopharmacology
- immunophenotyped
- immunophenotypical
- immunophenotypically
- immunophotosensitizer
- immunophysiological
- immunophysiology
- immunopoietic
- immunopositive
- immunopositively
- immunopositivity
- immunopotency
- immunopotentiating
- immunopotentiation
- immunopotentiator
- immunoprecipitable
- immunoprecipitant
- immunoprecipitative
- immunoprevention
- immunoprivileged
- immunoprobe
- immunoprofile
- immunoproliferation
- immunoproliferative
- immunoprophylactic
- immunoproteasome
- immunoprotect
- immunoprotection
- immunoprotective
- immunoprotein
- immunoproteome
- immunoproteomic
- immunoproteomics
- immunopurification
- immunopurified
- immunopurify
- immunoquiescent
- immunoradiometric
- immunoreacted
- immunoreacting
- immunoreagent
- immunoreceptor
- immunorecognition
- immunoregulating
- immunoregulative
- immunoregulator
- immunorepertoire
- immunoresistance
- immunoresponsive
- immunoscintigraphic
- immunoscintigraphically
- immunoscreened
- immunoscreening
- immunoselected
- immunoselection
- immunosenescence
- immunosenescent
- immunosensitive
- immunosensor
- immunoserology
- immunoserum
- immunosignal
- immunosilent
- immunosorbed
- immunosort
- immunosorting
- immunostain
- immunostainable
- immunostainer
- immunostimulant
- immunostimulating
- immunostimulator
- immunosubversive
- immunosuppress
- immunosuppressor
- immunosurgical
- immunosurgically
- immunosurveillance
- immunosystem
- immunotarget
- immunotargeting
- immunotherapist
- immunotolerable
- immunotolerance
- immunotolerant
- immunotolerize
- immunotolerogenic
- immunotoxic
- immunotoxicity
- immunotoxicologist
- immunotoxicology
- immunotoxin
- immunotronics
- immunotropic
- immunotube
- immunoturbidity
- immunoturbidometric
- immunotype
- immunotypic
- immunotyping
- immunovariant
- immunovascular
- immunovirological
- immunovirology
- immuration
- immusical
- immutableness
- immutate
- immutation
- immute
- immy
- Imogen
- Imogene
- Imogine
- imogolite
- imolamine
- Imotski
- imoxiterol
- imp-pole
- Imp.
- impacable
- impact crater
- impact energy
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.