Words with the prefix "il-" (420)

This morpheme tends to mean "not". Some of the most representative words that include it are: illiterate, illogical, illegal

See the full list below:

  • ill
  • illness
  • illegal
  • illustrate
  • illustration
  • illusion
  • illegally
  • illegitimate
  • illumination
  • illicit
  • illiterate
  • illogical
  • illuminate
  • illustrious
  • illusory
  • ileal
  • illustrative
  • illustrator
  • ill-fated
  • ileum
  • illegality
  • illiteracy
  • ill-defined
  • ill-treatment
  • ill-informed
  • ilk
  • illegitimacy
  • ill-equipped
  • ill-advised
  • ill-fitting
  • illegible
  • ile
  • ill-conceived
  • ill-considered
  • ileostomy
  • ill-prepared
  • ill-tempered
  • illiquid
  • ill-judged
  • ill-mannered
  • ileocolonic
  • illogically
  • ill-formed
  • illogicality
  • ill-gotten
  • ill-starred
  • ill-will
  • ill-suited
  • illite
  • ileoanal
  • illiberal
  • illuminative
  • illocutionary
  • illicitly
  • ileitis
  • illuminator
  • ileorectal
  • illus.
  • ill-luck
  • ill-timed
  • ileocaecal
  • ilex
  • illegitimately
  • ilmenite
  • ill-bred
  • ill-fortune
  • ill-matched
  • illusionist
  • ileus
  • ill-advisedly
  • ill-disposed
  • illumine
  • ileocolic
  • ill-assorted
  • ill-favoured
  • ill-disguised
  • ill-looking
  • illocution
  • ilium
  • illuminatingly
  • iliac
  • ill-conditioned
  • illegall
  • illiquidity
  • illywhacker
  • ill-intentioned
  • ill-repute
  • ill-thought-out
  • illimitable
  • illusionism
  • illusionistic
  • ill-behaved
  • ill-constructed
  • ill-formedness
  • ill-omened
  • ill-treat
  • illegibility
  • illogic
  • ill-directed
  • illegit
  • illustrational
  • il-
  • ileocolonoscopy
  • ilka
  • ill-natured
  • illiberalism
  • illo
  • illusionistically
  • illusive
  • illustratively
  • ilala
  • ileocecal
  • ileocolonoscopic
  • ileotomy
  • ileovesical
  • ilion
  • ility
  • ill-groomed
  • ill-usage
  • illative
  • illegibly
  • illiberally
  • illuminant
  • illuminist
  • illuminous
  • illusionary
  • illusioned
  • illusorily
  • illusoriness
  • illuviated
  • illy
  • IL
  • Il Duce
  • Ilagan
  • ilama
  • Ilan
  • iland
  • ilang-ilang
  • ilariid
  • ilarviral
  • ilarvirus
  • Ilbert
  • Ilchester
  • Île-de-France
  • ileac
  • ileal papilla
  • ileally
  • ILEC
  • ileectomy
  • Ilenko
  • ileo-
  • ileocaecal valve
  • ileocecal eminence
  • ileocecal valve
  • ileocecectomy
  • ileocecum
  • ileocolitis
  • ileogastric
  • ileoileal
  • ileoileostomy
  • ileorenal
  • ileovaginal
  • ilepcimide
  • Iler
  • ilesite
  • Ilfochrome
  • Ilford
  • Ilfracombe
  • Ilg
  • Ilham
  • Iliac
  • iliac artery
  • iliac crest
  • iliac furrow
  • iliacal
  • iliacus
  • Iliad
  • Iliadic
  • ilial
  • Ilian
  • Iliana
  • Ilic
  • ilicic acid
  • ilicin
  • Iliff
  • iligant
  • ilinskite
  • ilinx
  • ilio-
  • iliocaval
  • iliococcygeal
  • iliococcygeus
  • iliocostal
  • iliocostalis
  • iliofemoral
  • iliofibularis
  • iliohypogastric
  • ilioinguinal
  • iliolumbar
  • iliopectineal
  • iliopsoas
  • iliopubic
  • iliosacralis
  • iliotibial
  • iliotibial band
  • iliotibial band friction syndrome
  • iliotibial band syndrome
  • iliotibial tract
  • iliotrochantericus
  • iliparcil
  • ilish
  • Ilium
  • ilixanthin
  • Ilizarov apparatus
  • Ilkeston
  • Ilkley
  • ilkon
  • ilkoon
  • ill at ease
  • ill behaved
  • ill fame
  • ill health
  • ill humor
  • ill humour
  • ill luck
  • ill repute
  • ill stound
  • ill will
  • ill-affected
  • ill-begotten
  • ill-being
  • ill-boding
  • ill-doer
  • ill-doing
  • ill-famed
  • ill-fatedly
  • ill-favored
  • ill-favouredness
  • ill-got gains
  • ill-gotten gains
  • ill-humor
  • ill-humored
  • ill-judgedly
  • ill-naturedly
  • ill-naturedness
  • ill-scathe
  • ill-sorted
  • ill-thewed
  • ill-use
  • ill-willed
  • ill-willer
  • ill-wisher
  • Ill.
  • illabile
  • illapsable
  • illapse
  • illaqueable
  • illaqueate
  • illaqueation
  • illation
  • illative case
  • illatively
  • illaudable
  • illaudably
  • illbeing
  • illbient
  • illderly
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • illeagle
  • illecebration
  • illecebrous
  • illegal alien
  • illegal combatant
  • illegal forward kick
  • illegal immigrant
  • illegal immigration
  • illegal number
  • illegalisation
  • illegalise
  • illegalism
  • illegalization
  • illegalize
  • illegalness
  • illegibleness
  • illegitimateness
  • illegitimation
  • illegitimatize
  • illegitimi non carborundum
  • illeism
  • illeist
  • illeity
  • illeviable
  • illfare
  • illfavoured
  • illiberalise
  • illiberality
  • illiberalize
  • illiberalness
  • illiberty
  • illiciaceous
  • illicitness
  • illicitous
  • illicium
  • Illig
  • illighten
  • illimitability
  • illimitableness
  • illimitably
  • illimitation
  • illimited
  • illimitedness
  • Illingworth
  • Illini
  • illinition
  • illinium
  • Illiniwek
  • Illinois
  • Illinoisan
  • Illinoisian
  • illipe
  • illiquation
  • illiquidly
  • illish
  • illision
  • illiteral
  • illiterally
  • illiterately
  • illiterateness
  • illiterati
  • Illiterati
  • illiterature
  • illitic
  • illlit
  • illnesslike
  • illocality
  • illocutionarily
  • illocutive
  • illogicalness
  • illogicity
  • illoricated
  • illsome
  • illth
  • illtreat
  • illude
  • illudin
  • illui
  • illume
  • illuminable
  • illuminance
  • illuminary
  • Illuminati
  • illuminating gas
  • illumination problem
  • Illuminatism
  • illuminatively
  • illuminatory
  • Illuminee
  • illuminer
  • Illuminism
  • illuminism
  • illuministic
  • illuminize
  • illuminometer
  • illuminosity
  • illure
  • illusionable
  • illusional
  • illusionless
  • illusionlike
  • illusively
  • illusiveness
  • illust
  • illuster
  • illustrable
  • illustratable
  • illustrated song
  • illustratory
  • illustratress
  • illustre
  • illustriously
  • illustriousness
  • illustrous
  • illutation
  • illutible
  • illuvial
  • illuviation
  • illuvium
  • illwisher
  • Illyria
  • Illyrian
  • Illyric
  • Illyricum
  • Illyro-
  • Illyrology
  • ILM
  • Ilmajoki
  • ilmajokite
  • ilmenium
  • Ilminster
  • ILO
  • Ilocano
  • Ilok
  • Ilokano
  • Ilomantsi
  • Ilona
  • Ilonggo
  • ilooy
  • iloperidone
  • iloprost
  • Ilovaisk
  • ILPC
  • ILS
  • ilsemannite
  • iltisite
  • ILUC
  • iluy
  • ilvaite
  • ILY
  • Ilya
  • ilysiid

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.

Comments (5)

  • #1 umb dumbd umb dumbumb dumbd umb dumbumb dumbd umb dumbumb dumbd umb dumbumb dumbd umb dumbumb dumbd umb dumbumb dumbd umb dumbumb dumbd umb dumb
    Written by: bleh on 10/06/2020
  • #2 YOU suck
    Written by: BOBBY on 07/05/2021
  • #3 I love all these words give it up people's bye Love u all going back to zoom meeting ????
    Written by: X.the_officail_baby_x. on 21/09/2021
  • #4 it is good and i did not get my examples' that is all
    Written by: Maria Aneesh on 13/07/2022
  • #5 this was a really good words i needed for m homework for grade thanks
    Written by: sarah on 10/10/2024

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