Words ending with the phoneme voiceless velar fricative /x/ (25)

Word Pronunciation (IPA)
loch /lɒx/
lough /lɒx/
ugh /ɯx/
taoiseach /ˈtiːʃəx/
broch /ˈbɹɒx/
turlough /ˈtɜː.lɒx/
sheugh /ʃʌx/
abeigh /əˈbiːx/
Bach /bɑːx/
bleargh /blɛx/
dreich /dɹiːx/
flaithiúlach /flæˈhuːləx/
LaTeX /ˈlɑːtɛx/
/nThe final consonant of TeX is intended by its developer to be pronounced similar to or . The lette/
mashgiach /maʃˈɡɪəx/
pech /pɛx/
Perseid /suffix/
Reich /ɹaɪx/
sechach /sχɑːχ/
Tanakh /tɑˈnɑx/
Taoiseach /ˈt̪ˠiːɕəx/
TeX /tɛx/
/nThe final consonant of is intended by its developer to be pronounced similar to or . The letters /
torgoch /ˈtɒɹˌɡəʊx/
unheimlich /ʊnˈhaɪmlɪx/
Van Gogh /vɑnˈxɔx/
yech /jɛx/

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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