Words beginning with a vowel but don't use the "an" article (145)

These words seem to begin with a vowel, but they're actually pronounced with a consonant sound. That's why they use the "a" article instead of "an".

Most of these words begin with letter u and are actually spelled with the semivowel j (http://teflpedia.com/IPA_phoneme_/j/). They sound like a vowel, but they share the same phonologic paradigm of consonants.

See the full list below:

Word Pronunciation (IPA)
use /juːs/
union /ˈjuːnjən/
university /juːnɪˈvɜːsətiː/
unit /ˈjuː.nɪt/
user /ˈjuːzə(ɹ)/
unity /ˈjuːnɪti/
universe /ˈjuːnɪˌvɜːs/
uniform /ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/
usage /ˈjuːsɪd͡ʒ/
utility /juːˈtɪl.ɪ.ti/
urine /ˈjʊɹɪn/
uranium /jʊˈɹeɪniəm/
unison /ˈjunɨsən/
euphoria /juːˈfɔːɹi.ə/
utopia /juˈtəʊpɪə/
unanimity /juːnəˈnɪmɪti/
uterus /ˈjuː.təɹ.əs/
euthanasia /juː.θəˈneɪ.zɪ.ə/
ewe /juː/
ufo /ˈju.fo/
unicorn /ˈjuːnɪkɔːn/
urea /jʊˈɹiːə/
urethra /jʊˈɹiːθɹə/
euphemism /ˈjuː.fəˌmɪ.z(ə)m/
eugenics /juːˈdʒɛnɪks/
usurper /juˈsɜɹpə(ɹ)/
usability /ˌjuːzəˈbɪlɪti/
eunuch /ˈjuː.nʌk/
uni /ˈjuː.niː/
eucalyptus /ˌjuːkəˈlɪptəs/
usury /ˈjuːʒəɹi/
eulogy /ˈjuːlədʒi/
ubiquity /juˈbɪkwɪti/
universalism /ˌjuːnəˈvɝsəlˌɪzəm/
urinal /juːˈɹaɪnəl/
universal /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl/
ewer /ˈjuː.ə/
euro /ˈjʊəɹəʊ/
utensil /juˈtɛn.səl/
ufology /ˌjuːˈfɑlədʒi/
uniformitarianism /juːnɪfɔːmɪˈtɛːɹɪənɪzm/
upsilon /juːpˈsaɪ.lən/
ukulele /juː.kə.ˈleɪ.li/
urinalysis /jʊəɹɪˈnælɪsɪs/
usurer /ˈjuːʒəɹə/
ureter /jʊəˈɹiːtəɹ/
uridine /ˈjʊə.ɹɪ.din/
ute /juːt/
eugenist /juːˈdʒɛnɪst/
eutectic /juˈtɛk.tɪk/
eukaryote /juˈkæɹi.əʊt/
ufologist /ˌjuːˈfɑlədʒɪst/
ululation /juːljʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/
usufruct /ˈjuːz(j)ʊfɹʌkt/
eustasy /ˈjuːstəsi/
unary /ˈjunəɹi/
uvula /ˈjuːv.jʊ.lə/
urus /ˈjʊəɹəs/
eucatastrophe /ˌjuːkəˈtæstɹəfi/
uraeus /jʊˈɹiː.əs/
ouabain /ˈwɑːbeɪn/
one /wʌn/
using /ˈjuːzɪŋ/
Ucalegon /juːˈkælɨɡɒn/
oncer /ˈwʌnsə/
Usanian /ˌjuːˈseɪni.ən/
usufruction /juːz(j)ʊˈfɹʌkʃən/
Eusebius /juˈsibi.əs/
USAR /ˈju.sɑɹ/
usufructuary /ˌjuːz(j)ʊˈfɹʌktʃʊˌəɹi/
Amazigh /ʔæ.mæːˈziːʁ/
usuress /ˌjuːʒəˈɹɛs/
euouae /juːˈuːɪ/
ukase /juːˈkeɪz/
euclidianness /juːˈklɪdi.ən.nɛs/
uke /juːk/
uke /juːk/
Uke /juːk/
Ukie /ˈjuːki/
ureteroureterostomy /jʊˌriːtəroʊjʊˌriːtəˈrɒstəmi/
usurping /juːˈsɜː(ɹ)pɪŋ/
eustress /juːˈstɹɛs/
Unakas /juˈneɪkəs/
eudaemon /juˈdimən/
Ukrainian /juːˈkɹeɪnɪən/
unidirectionality /ˌjuː.ni.də.ɹek.ʃənˈɛl.ɪ.ti/
Utahn /ˈjuːtɑːn/
unite /juˈnaɪt/
uranism /ˈjʊəɹənɪzəm/
uranist /ˈjʊəɹənɪst/
eudemonia /ˌjuːdɪˈməʊnɪə/
euth /juθ/
Ute /ˈjuːt/
European bison /jʊɹəˌpiːən ˈbaɪsn̩/
uranophobia /ˈjuɹənoˌfəʊbi.ə/
euphoriant /juˈfɔɹi.ənt/
uvular /ˈjuːvjʊləɹ/
Ouija /ˈwiːdʒə/
uropygium /jʊəɹəˈpɪd͡ʒɪəm/
eugarie /juːɡəɹi/
eugenesis /ˈju.ˌd͡ʒɛn.ə.sɪs/
UW /ˈjuˈdʌb/
Iatmul /ˈjɒtmʊl/
eutripsia /juːˈtɹɪpsɪə/
uey /ˈjuː.i/
eugeny /ˈjuːd͡ʒəni/
euglena /juːˈɡliːnə/
UFO /ju ɛf ˈəʊ/
unigeniture /ˌjuːnɪˈdʒɛnɪtjʊə/
univalence /ˌjuːnɪˈveɪləns/
univalent /ˌjuːnɪˈveɪlənt/
utile /ˈjuː.taɪl/
utilitarian /juˌtɪl.ɪˈteɪɹ.i.ən/
ubac /ˈjuː.bæk/
eulachon /ˈjuːləkɒn/
unique /juːˈniːk/
Usonian /juːˈsoʊni.ən/
Appendix:English dictionary-only terms/zzxjoanw /ʃɔː/
Eurasian wigeon /jʊ.ɹeɪʒən.wɪd͡ʒən/
Oaxaca /wɑːˈhɑː.kɑː/
uniquity /juˈnɪkwɪti/
eureka /juˈɹikə/
onesie /ˈwʌn.zi/
Universalism /ˌjuːnəˈvɝsəlˌɪzəm/
uberty /ˈjuːbəti/
uni /ˈjuː.niː/
ubication /juːbɪˈkeɪʃən/
Utonian /juːˈtoʊ.ni.ən/
ubicity /juːˈbɪsɪti/
Euboean /juːˈbiːən/
Uniate /ˈjuː.nɪ.ət/
euro /ˈjʊəɹəʊ/
utopographer /ˌjuːtə(ʊ)ˈpɒɡɹəfə/
accidental abortion /spɑnˈteɪ.ni.əs əˈbɔɹ.ʃn̩/
esclop /slɒp/
Euro-American /ˈjʊɹ.oʊ.əˈmɛɹ.ɪ.kən/
Eumenides /juˈmɛnɪdiːz/
Eucharist /ˈjuːkəɹɪst/
univocal /juːnɪˈvəʊkəl/
US-ian /ˌjuːˈɛsi.ən/
Appendix:List of protologisms/Long words/Titin /mə.ˌθaɪ.ə.nɪl.ˌθri.ə.nɪl.ˌθri.ə.nɪl.glu.ˌtæm.ə.nɪl.ˌæl.ə.(ˌ)nɪl.ˌproʊ.lɪl.ˌθri.ə.nɪl.ˌfɛ.n(ə)l...ˌlu/
euchologion /juːkə(ʊ)ˈləʊdʒɪən/
euchre /ˈjuːkəɹ/
eunoia /juːˈnɔɪ.ə/
Unix /ˈjuːnɪks/

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.

Comments (18)

  • #1 Its missing the H words like an hour, an honorable ..., a or an historic .... ,
    Written by: Stanley Thompson on 20/03/2019
  • #2 Stanley, it's words starting with a vowel, not a consonant.
    Written by: Choc on 10/02/2020
  • #3 Covid sucks really bad.
    Written by: cohC on 18/05/2020
  • #4 ;lkdjsvldghvldxkuhfdfisuvsdgvknlgv
    Written by: Rohit on 08/09/2020
  • #5 "Accidental Abortion" is on here by mistake, it has the phonetic spelling of "spontaneous abortion."
    Written by: Jaison on 14/12/2020
  • #6 The person who made the first comment is (like far too many people of our time) mispronouncing H-words by dropping the (consonant) H sound. Admittedly, "hour" is properly pronounced "our," but it is quite incorrect to pronounce "historic" as "istoric." A more common corruption is to drop the H sound in words like human, so that it sounds like you're saying "Yuman" (which would be a person from Yuma, Ariz.) But "yuman" for "human" is also quite incorrect in spite of its growing popularity. And now you know--spread the word.
    Written by: Lance on 24/02/2021
  • #7 “A” does not precede “Amazigh."

    Neither “A” or “An” would precede the word unite. United yes, unite no.
    Written by: Mia on 27/02/2021
  • #8 *USaian or USAian

    “A” does not precede “accidental” even if the word “abortion” follows.
    Written by: Mia on 27/02/2021
  • #9 Stanley, the author created a list of words that are preceded by “a”, not “an.” Historic and historical are preceded by “an.”
    Written by: Mia on 27/02/2021
  • #10 How can “accidental” be a phonetic spelling of “spontaneous”? They are both actual words and completely different words.
    Written by: Mia on 27/02/2021
  • #11 Mia was on a roll then Neither/or , ouch. :-)
    Neither "a" nor "an" precede the word unite.
    Written by: Mont on 24/05/2021
  • #12 not clearly written, and confusing
    Written by: zue on 22/07/2021
  • #13 Hi I am Neel Patel from 6A
    Written by: Neel on 14/09/2021
  • #14 an anna an na nnaa nana anan an ana annan naanana naanna an aa a ana ananana nna an nanaan anna an na nnaa nana anan an ana annan naanana naanna an aa a ana ananana nna an nanaan anna an na nnaa nana anan an ana annan naanana naanna an aa a ana ananana nna an nana
    Written by: an anna an na nnaa nana anan an ana annan naanana naanna an aa a ana ananana nna an nana on 18/03/2022
  • #15 Sorry had an a nan ann an stroke
    Written by: I'm not addressing my name on this website on 18/03/2022
  • #16 Consonants like Honest and Hour missing in the list
    Written by: Jayanand nauriyal on 18/04/2022
  • #17 no they are not missing
    Written by: Bar on 25/04/2022
  • #18 Good program i love it very good
    Written by: Сара on 08/11/2024

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