Words beginning with the phoneme voiceless labialized velar approximant /hw/ (33)

Word Pronunciation (IPA)
why /ʍaɪ/
when /ʍɛn/
while /ʍaɪl/
whim /ʍɪm/
whence /ʍɛns/
whisker /ʍɪskə(r)/
whey /ʍeɪ/
whither /ˈʍɪðɚ/
wheelhouse /ˈʍiːlˌhaʊs/
whoosh /ʍʊʃ/
whig /ʍɪɡ/
wheedle /ˈʍiː.dəl/
whimbrel /ˈʍɪmbɹɜl/
whoopee /ʍuːpi/
whinger /ˈʍɪnd͡ʒə(ɹ)/
whitey /ˈʍaɪti/
Hue /ˈhweɪ/
wha gwan /ˈhwɑː ˈɡwɑːn/
whatever /ʍɒtˈɛvə/
wheek /ʍiːk/
whelm /ʍɛlm/
whenceafter /ʍɛnsˈɑːftə/
whenceforth /ˌʍensˈfɔ(ɹ)θ/
wherealong /ˌʍɛː.əˈlɒŋ/
wheresoe'er /ˌʍɝ.səʊˈɛːɹ/
Whig /ʍɪɡ/
whew /hwjuː/
wherethan /ʍɛəˈðæn/
whipstaff /ˈʍɪpstɑːf/
wheresoeer /ˌʍɝ.səʊˈɛːɹ/
Whitsun /ˈʍɪt.sən/
whomp /ʍɒmp/
huat ah /ˈhwʌt ɑː/

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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