Words beginning with the phoneme voiced palato-alveolar sibilant /ʒ/ (27)

Word Pronunciation (IPA)
jus /ʒuː(s)/
gendarmerie /ˈʒɒn.dɑː.mə.ɹi/
gendarme /ˈʒɒn.dɑːm/
jabot /ˈʒæ.bəʊ/
jupe /ʒuːp/
j'accuse /ʒəˈkjuːz/
jacquerie /ʒaˈkɹi/
jete /ʒɛteɪ/
gégène /ʒeɪˈʒɛn/
genocidaire /ʒɛnəsiˈdɛ(ə)ɹ/
giclée /ʒiˈkleɪ/
gigue /ʒiːɡ/
Gilbert's syndrome /ʒiːlˈbɛər/
gîte /ʒiːt/
Jacques /ʒɑːk/
je ne sais quoi /ˌʒə nə seɪ ˈkwɑː/
Jèrriais /ˈʒɛɹ.i.eɪ/
joie de vivre /ˌʒwɑ də ˈvivɹə/
Rzeczpospolita /ʒɛt͡ʃˌpɒspəˈlaɪtə/
Rzeszów /ˈʒɛʃuːf/
-sion /ʒən/
Zhao /ʒaʊ/
Zhivar /ʒɪˈvɑː(ɹ)/
zhoosh /ʒʊʃ/
zhoozh /ʒʊʒ/
zhuzh /ʒʊʒ/
zubron /ˈʒuːbɹɔːn/

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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    Written by: The reviewer on 23/11/2021

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