Words beginning with the diphthong /eə/ (33)

Word Pronunciation (IPA)
area /ˈɛə̯ɹɪə̯/
aircraft /ɛə.kɹɑː̩ft/
airport /ˈɛə.pɔːt/
heir /ɛə(ɹ)/
aeroplane /ˈeə.ɹə.pleɪn/
airy /ˈɛəɹ.i/
airlift /ˈɛə.lɪft/
airplane /ˈɛəpleɪn/
airmail /ˈɛə.meɪl/
airless /eə(ɹ).ləs/
heirloom /ˈɛə.luːm/
ersatz /ˈɛəzæts/
aerofoil /ˈɛəɹ.əˌfɔɪl/
airhead /ˈeəː.hɛd/
aeronaut /ˈɛəɹəˌnɔːt/
airiness /ˈeə(ɹ)ˌɪi.nəs/
aeromancy /ˈeə.ɹə.mæn.si/
air gun /ˈeə(ɹ).ɡʌn/
air-con /eə(ɹ)ˈkɒn/
airy fairy /ˈeəɹi feəɹi/
airmobile /ɛəˈməʊbaɪl/
Ares /ˈeəɹiːz/
Arian /ˈɛəɹi.ən/
Arianism /ˈɛəɹɪənɪzəm/
Aries /ˈɛəɹiːz/
Arius /ˈɛəɹi.əs/
Aryan /ˈɛəɹi.ən/
Eire /ˈɛəɹə/
eirs /ɛəɹz/
Erdoğan /ˈɛəɹdoʊˌɑːn/
erelong /ɛəˈlɒŋ/
heirdom /ˈɛəɹdəm/
aerobridge /ˈɛəɹ.əʊˌbɹɪdʒ/

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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