- between
- through
- against
- without
- towards
- despite
- outside
- amongst
- beneath
- besides
- outwith
- astride
- betwixt
- apropos
- care of
- machiam
- such as
- ageynst
- amiddst
- amidest
- down to
- for all
- fornent
- 'longst
- emongst
- but for
- closeby
- alongst
- bang on
- amyddst
- anearst
- abreast
- dureing
- 'gainst
- hard by
- agaynst
- 'mongst
- alangst
- to-ward
- anighst
- wythowt
- over to
- aboutes
- behinde
- froward
- benorth
- ageinst
- outtake
- because
- up till
- acrosst
- athwart
- endlong
- thruout
- agenest
- next to
- betwene
- betwyxt
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.
There are more I think
Written by: Dumb Idiot (not) on 04/02/2020