This morpheme tends to mean "act or condition of". Some of the most representative words that include it are: persistence, excellence, confidence. It's typically applied to nouns.
See the full list below:
- evidence
- experience
- defence
- difference
- science
- conference
- reference
- presence
- influence
- confidence
- existence
- absence
- sentence
- violence
- audience
- silence
- independence
- sequence
- offence
- licence
- intelligence
- consequence
- preference
- essence
- incidence
- residence
- fence
- correspondence
- competence
- interference
- conscience
- negligence
- dependence
- emergence
- patience
- occurrence
- prevalence
- innocence
- convenience
- coincidence
- insistence
- excellence
- obedience
- prominence
- indifference
- convergence
- recurrence
- inference
- persistence
- adolescence
- subsistence
- impatience
- coherence
- pretence
- turbulence
- adherence
- precedence
- incompetence
- inconvenience
- self-confidence
- diligence
- deference
- self-defence
- subsidence
- divergence
- equivalence
- clarence
- sixpence
- incontinence
- resurgence
- deterrence
- reverence
- indulgence
- ambivalence
- spence
- resilience
- disobedience
- interdependence
- providence
- affluence
- prudence
- ambience
- permanence
- valence
- circumference
- credence
- impotence
- acquiescence
- inexperience
- abstinence
- fluorescence
- eminence
- magnificence
- pre-eminence
- eloquence
- tuppence
- benevolence
- reminiscence
- intransigence
- reticence
- off-licence
- decadence
- transference
- coexistence
- vehemence
- obsolescence
- imminence
- non-violence
- confluence
- jurisprudence
- transcendence
- congruence
- convalescence
- luminescence
- chemiluminescence
- subservience
- continence
- threepence
- opulence
- concurrence
- diffidence
- coalescence
- immunofluorescence
- salience
- fourpence
- insolence
- self-indulgence
- incoherence
- impertinence
- senescence
- omnipotence
- pestilence
- malevolence
- cadence
- virulence
- belligerence
- abhorrence
- clemence
- flatulence
- cross-reference
- quiescence
- neuroscience
- indolence
- condolence
- thruppence
- penitence
- non-existence
- faience
- twopence
- quintessence
- prescience
- impudence
- omniscience
- counter-intelligence
- ninepence
- transience
- co-occurrence
- submergence
- irreverence
- impermanence
- effervescence
- ebullience
- thermoluminescence
- pertinence
- dissidence
- iridescence
- geoscience
- immanence
- munificence
- cathodoluminescence
- phosphorescence
- beneficence
- seroprevalence
- tenpence
- inadvertence
- counterintelligence
- occurence
- incandescence
- improvidence
- omnipresence
- translucence
- truculence
- fivepence
- sentience
- superintendence
- excrescence
- compresence
- preeminence
- prurience
- eightpence
- effluence
- imprudence
- self-reference
- cyberscience
- inappetence
- somnolence
- expence
- pseudo-science
- incongruence
- subsequence
- bioluminescence
- overindulgence
- non-science
- grandiloquence
- succulence
- bioscience
- efflorescence
- sevenpence
- autofluorescence
- concupiscence
- inconsequence
- pseudoscience
- birefringence
- expedience
- corpulence
- recrudescence
- teleconference
- reoccurrence
- tumescence
- overconfidence
- percipience
- remanence
- lenience
- evanescence
- nonexistence
- fraudulence
- sence
- indigence
- opalescence
- self-evidence
- fluence
- epifluorescence
- overdependence
- pubescence
- consistence
- inflorescence
- effulgence
- redolence
- videoconference
- insurgence
- transparence
- ringfence
- omnicompetence
- sapience
- dehiscence
- nonviolence
- counter-evidence
- vergence
- antiscience
- resemblence
- telepresence
- nescience
- despondence
- putrescence
- complacence
- divulgence
- coreference
- detumescence
- accidence
- creedence
- intermittence
- anticoincidence
- impenitence
- exigence
- elevenpence
- hyperfluorescence
- clairaudience
- emollience
- megaconference
- frequence
- incurrence
- twentypence
- deliquescence
- renascence
- suspence
- impercipience
- refulgence
- nonresidence
- degenerescence
- back-reference
- inexistence
- electrovalence
- repellence
- lucence
- sufficience
- spinescence
- condescendence
- concience
- infructescence
- rubescence
- ethnoscience
- ascendence
- desipience
- pendence
- resplendence
- antecedence
- photoluminescence
- exceedence
- rejuvenescence
- reemergence
- contingence
- nonobedience
- parascience
- regence
- noninterference
- triboluminescence
- mellifluence
- immunocompetence
- afference
- unintelligence
- potence
- centrifugence
- altiloquence
- impendence
- prepollence
- cyberconference
- revealed preference
- circumfluence
- two-minute silence
- pseudoreference
- nondivergence
- nonlimerence
- nonomnipotence
- ancience
- pop-science
- veterinary science
- leader sequence
- nonomniscience
- stereodependence
- middlescence
- Florence
- deficience
- magnetoelectroluminescence
- thalience
- stereohomosequence
- junk conference
- preponderance of evidence
- Doctor of Science
- consilience
- preponderance of the evidence
- sonoluminescence
- deductive inference
- recoherence
- la belle indifference
- quantivalence
- stereosequence
- irreticence
- la belle indifférence
- demicadence
- centripetence
- cognitive science
- deafening silence
- temulence
- archival science
- indictable offence
- covalence
- refringence
- solar prominence
- webconference
- after-discovered evidence
- thin-film interference
- flocculence
- nanoscience
- cytoadherence
- Alekhine's Defence
- spamference
- leave of absence
- subscience
- intimate partner violence
- convergent sequence
- sir-reverence
- junk science
- nonindependence
- warence
- Thue-Morse sequence
- natural science
- presidence
- nonexperience
- liberty of conscience
- acaulescence
- acescence
- counterinfluence
- glycoscience
- somniloquence
- vanilla essence
- pulverulence
- lesser included offence
- mass difference
- pallescence
- ileocecal eminence
- constringence
- insufficience
- circumjacence
- coinfluence
- planetary science
- florescence
- flumpence
- forensic science
- homedulgence
- antidifference
- clairalience
- bane of one's existence
- pass by reference
- escutcheon of pretence
- contributory negligence
- nonaffluence
- biogeoscience
- viewing audience
- superdupervenience
- reconvergence
- bioclimosequence
- agriscience
- coinherence
- common difference
- affirmative sentence
- emollescence
- phantom reference
- collateral science
- unconvergence
- scyence
- slippery sequence
- blandiloquence
- descendence
- racial science
- Letters and Science
- absistence
- worm fence
- trivalence
- finite difference
- jody cadence
- biosequence
- laryngeal prominence
- dividence
- Hollywood science
- inevidence
- Jody cadence
- Tears of St. Lawrence
- decidence
- vote of confidence
- revirescence
- coadjacence
- inconsistence
- nonindulgence
- vote of no confidence
- gradience
- hypovirulence
- nineteenpence
- thermal turbulence
- transilience
- intercadence
- somnolescence
- bionanoscience
- stereoconvergence
- vaniloquence
- stultiloquence
- palaeoscience
- guilty conscience
- palæoscience
- peaceful coexistence
- clairsentience
- accedence
- hyperviolence
- military science
- applied science
- cognoscence
- social media intelligence
- ingredience
- authentic cadence
- pungence
- strong reference
- superpresence
- magnetoluminescence
- overcoherence
- video conference
- hall of residence
- hypervirulence
- arborescence
- chronosequence
- complex sentence
- malinfluence
- tetravalence
- time-space convergence
- perimeter fence
- type inference
- decoherence
- displicence
- supereminence
- eco-defence
- poetic licence
- multipresence
- catcher interference
- ignipotence
- incoalescence
- flag of convenience
- Renascence
- angle of incidence
- deliquesence
- subsubsequence
- recalescence
- tangence
- catcher's interference
- unprudence
- Wenker sentence
- marriage of convenience
- miniresurgence
- noncompetence
- recumbence
- catchfence
- medical jurisprudence
- imperence
- munificence
- criminal negligence
- quantum information science
- reexistence
- secondary valence
- incoexistence
- polyvalence
- criminal offence
- oblivescence
- pass-by-reference
- ring cadence
- pang of conscience
- electrochemiluminescence
- null recurrence
- civil defence
- traffic of influence
- sexual preference
- suspended sentence
- predatory conference
- news conference
- civil disobedience
- plangence
- criminal-offence
- social science
- grey eminence
- reexperience
- thermoremanence
- extumescence
- sience
- Big Science
- electrochemoluminescence
- self-violence
- programmed obsolescence
- proto-science
- statistical inference
- library and information science
- Divine Providence
- rip fence
- big science
- emotional intelligence
- argument from silence
- kidfluence
- material science
- circle sentence
- nonsilence
- obliviscence
- subsentence
- canescence
- magnetophotoluminescence
- armipotence
- tricoherence
- unpatience
- provenience
- random sequence
- sexual violence
- built-in obsolescence
- tower of silence
- co-channel interference
- conflorescence
- nanogeoscience
- wall of silence
- library science
- critical opalescence
- preëminence
- Farey sequence
- subsequence
- out-of-body experience
- bicoherence
- pansentience
- rubefacience
- petrescence
- noninfluence
- canonical sequence
- out-of-box experience
- xenoscience
- sevenpence
- consubsistence
- technoscience
- misinference
- artificial general intelligence
- backreference
- forefence
- social valence
- unreverence
- actuarial science
- exudence
- seroincidence
- electrocoalescence
- monovalence
- Sicilian Defence
- telephone conference
- hyalescence
- clear and convincing evidence
- artificial incompetence
- delitescence
- blue wall of silence
- recipience
- turgescence
- political science
- countertransference
- juvenescence
- artificial intelligence
- social-science
- nonconvergence
- Cauchy sequence
- Antarctic convergence
- cohærence
- artificial lack of intelligence
- gray eminence
- chemifluorescence
- co-dependence
- artificial lack-of-intelligence
- inexpedience
- intercedence
- infrequence
- stone-fence
- unconference
- sphere of influence
- data science
- nonabsence
- breviloquence
- predecoherence
- procumbence
- obmutescence
- materials science
- enantioconvergence
- urgence
- geroscience
- subdivergence
- reflorescence
- acturience
- incoincidence
- seventeenpence
- superexcellence
- self-existence
- misintelligence
- artificial superintelligence
- Shine-Dalgarno sequence
- unconfidence
- biopersistence
- viridescence
- anecdotal evidence
- connascence
- preemptive self-defence
- cytoimmunofluorescence
- protoscience
- geofence
- radiothermoluminescence
- appertinence
- Bachelor of Science
- nonscience
- nonrecurrence
- tabescence
- Scandinavian Defence
- user experience
- rufescence
- thrippence
- immunoluminescence
- artificial unintelligence
- fayence
- unessence
- behavioural science
- hypersentence
- extelligence
- artificial-intelligence
- superexcrescence
- reviviscence
- hypersentience
- little science
- topic sentence
- near-death experience
- microimmunofluorescence
- appetence
- desinence
- quinquevalence
- pluripresence
- sublicence
- super-affluence
- hanging offence
- row-equivalence
- chemioluminescence
- esurience
- creation science
- biodefence
- superincumbence
- rock sequence
- valence
- reafference
- refluence
- remittence
- albescence
- code of silence
- counterviolence
- reoffence
- prospicience
- supercoherence
- uniform convergence
- nondifference
- ecodefence
- character reference
- environmental science
- clear-air turbulence
- prisoner of conscience
- cyence
- virilescence
- oboedience
- linear dependence
- overconfluence
- ripgut fence
- multilicence
- quinquivalence
- nullipotence
- intercurrence
- three halfpence
- ionocovalence
- preadolescence
- deflection difference
- recompence
- transferrence
- nonequivalence
- antipersistence
- modern convenience
- business intelligence
- proficience
- crank science
- formal science
- soil science
- presumption of innocence
- ramollescence
- tendence
- weak reference
- linear independence
- neurosenescence
- noninnocence
- adjacence
- microinference
- fremescence
- lapidescence
- call by reference
- three marks of existence
- motion of confidence
- foresentence
- diffluence
- lexical correspondence
- motion of no confidence
- unsufficience
- erubescence
- indiligence
- georeference
- pænitence
- reconvalescence
- bivalence
- learning difference
- sunk fence
- resipiscence
- excandescence
- geographic information science
- divisibility sequence
- fused sentence
- metareference
- unambivalence
- cyberintelligence
- spiritual violence
- nonbirefringence
- dispreference
- cargo cult science
- intumescence
- yod coalescence
- path dependence
- Conference
- press conference
- primary residence
- Yod Coalescence
- equipollence
- photoscience
- semipermanence
- conspiracy of silence
- pro-sentence
- Yod coalescence
- indecence
- multicompetence
- status conference
- overconvergence
- yod-coalescence
- hypersomnolence
- stridence
- componence
- inturgescence
- nilpotence
- nondiligence
- periodic sentence
- planned obsolescence
- autoluminescence
- preexistence
- glaucescence
- superintelligence
- photodifference
- conditional sentence
- cyberviolence
- primary valence
- disconvenience
- insipience
- nondeference
- demurrer to evidence
- multiconference
- prepubescence
- inabstinence
- set-theoretic difference
- jurispendence
- nonconcurrence
- subconfluence
- elementary equivalence
- microturbulence
- audioconference
- nilsequence
- noncorrespondence
- intercidence
- transfluence
- garden path sentence
- marcescence
- exoscience
- incorrespondence
- autoreference
- garden patience
- lutulence
- escape sequence
- transfluorescence
- conferrence
- object permanence
- intervenience
- citizen science
- univalence
- calorescence
- circular reference
- artistic licence
- inherence
- soft reference
- electric fence
- information science
- inobedience
- frondescence
- decumbence
- candescence
- garden-path sentence
- pseudoabsence
- nonmaleficence
- book of condolence
- wing defence
- respondence
- metascience
- lactescence
- domain of convergence
- road fund licence
- science
- astringence
- superscience
- hydroscience
- Science
- distinction without a difference
- tortious interference
- misadvertence
- picket fence
- frame of reference
- latence
- omnibenevolence
- semicircumference
- Indian Defence
- French Defence
- radiolucence
- egence
- fluence
- prodigence
- nonacquiescence
- reverse domestic violence
- ineffervescence
- postexistence
- superaffluence
- DNA sequence
- inscience
- radioluminescence
- driver's licence
- herbes de Provence
- ultraviolence
- vaginal flatulence
- superconference
- ascience
- cyclone fence
- superconfidence
- computational intelligence
- adhærence
- adnascence
- magniloquence
- maleficence
- mendaciloquence
- precellence
- decurrence
- contabescence
- copresence
- postponence
- nonconfidence
- videoteleconference
- Nuremberg defence
- grid reference
- Fibonacci sequence
- category reference
- electric potential difference
- codependence
- supercongruence
- unconscience
- præference
- nonintelligence
- multiloquence
- real presence
- maleficience
- radio silence
- totipotence
- roundpole fence
- pinguescence
- convivence
- order of precedence
- calescence
- goal defence
- superconsequence
- idea of reference
- degree sequence
- goal difference
- reëmergence
- supersedence
- biotransference
- difluence
- obsequence
- devergence
- graveolence
- nonconfluence
- renitence
- work experience
- profluence
- driving licence
- self-offence
- misreference
- omnificence
- affulgence
- caulescence
- Phrygian cadence
- obsequience
- incomplete sentence
- sexperience
- superfluence
- alkalescence
- excrudescence
- Two Knights Defence
- cogence
- Two Knights' Defence
- quadrivalence
- fippence
- underconfidence
- smilence
- systems science
- electrophosphorescence
- time difference
- sports science
- regredience
- run-on sentence
- circumambience
- simple sentence
- driving under the influence
- advergence
- telescience
- chemoluminescence
- precongruence
- neurodivergence
- superconvergence
- Internet presence
- bioequivalence
- decence
- superfluorescence
- rocket science
- ineloquence
- hard science
- microphotoluminescence
- adsorboluminescence
- electrical fence
- parasequence
- noncoincidence
- call-by-reference
- macroturbulence
- postconvalescence
- credit reference
- drum cadence
- catastrophic interference
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.