This morpheme tends to mean "place for, collection of". Some of the most representative words that include it are: glossary, granary, library. It's typically applied to nouns.
See the full list below:
- secretary
- library
- mary
- summary
- anniversary
- boundary
- salary
- diary
- dictionary
- contrary
- vocabulary
- subsidiary
- commentary
- documentary
- primary
- rosemary
- sanctuary
- military
- missionary
- burglary
- judiciary
- estuary
- centenary
- infirmary
- beneficiary
- secondary
- obituary
- intermediary
- corollary
- adversary
- constabulary
- canary
- itinerary
- mortuary
- glossary
- binary
- contemporary
- actuary
- tributary
- apothecary
- auxiliary
- ordinary
- emissary
- veterinary
- rosary
- statuary
- seminary
- aviary
- cassowary
- clary
- reliquary
- dispensary
- ovary
- mercenary
- cleary
- quandary
- bursary
- visionary
- calvary
- bicentenary
- capillary
- notary
- granary
- friary
- fiduciary
- antiquary
- rotary
- penitentiary
- quaternary
- urinary
- pituitary
- prebendary
- bestiary
- domiciliary
- functionary
- topiary
- deary
- catenary
- formulary
- undersecretary
- breviary
- polypary
- dignitary
- tercentenary
- luminary
- pessary
- lectionary
- dromedary
- ossuary
- plenary
- justiciary
- turbary
- votary
- rockumentary
- voluptuary
- lapidary
- quincentenary
- sacramentary
- costmary
- legionary
- premaxillary
- distributary
- syllabary
- fritillary
- apiary
- mammary
- vicary
- residuary
- quatercentenary
- hymnary
- metasedimentary
- capitulary
- pensionary
- dentary
- epistolary
- unary
- vivary
- ferrary
- vagary
- coparcenary
- feodary
- sagittary
- ternary
- vaccary
- nectary
- metacommentary
- horary
- confectionary
- sexagenary
- eleemosynary
- sublibrary
- minidictionary
- cartulary
- antiphonary
- herbary
- peccary
- accessary
- sectary
- beggary
- sublunary
- custumary
- sallary
- sesquicentenary
- scapulary
- reversionary
- miliary
- mediary
- mid-February
- megacapillary
- fructuary
- stipendiary
- anterior pituitary
- concubinary
- bilingual dictionary
- visual binary
- calvary
- usuary
- nonvisionary
- active vocabulary
- mid-January
- questionary
- falsary
- visual diary
- electroauxiliary
- federary
- dicktionary
- ceroferary
- dicktionary
- supraciliary
- necessary
- otary
- zamindary
- Virgin Mary
- pocket dictionary
- traditionary
- arbitrary
- collared peccary
- cotemporary
- usufructuary
- allodiary
- planetary
- congiary
- neo-reactionary
- octonary
- presidary
- Canary
- encyclopedic dictionary
- exigendary
- public library
- quæstionary
- management summary
- eclipsing binary
- executive summary
- tin anniversary
- nidary
- dotary
- antidictionary
- proletary
- semi-syllabary
- hairy canary
- originary
- mammillary
- nondocumentary
- radiary
- commendatary
- janisary
- angary
- microsummary
- janissary
- protonotary
- obedienciary
- residentiary
- pecuary
- trinary
- stationary
- questuary
- grammary
- pothecary
- wood anniversary
- ancillary
- counter-revolutionary
- balneary
- cyberdiary
- noncontemporary
- voluntary
- obedientiary
- articulary
- microdocumentary
- semidocumentary
- volary
- tintinnabulary
- tunicary
- shockumentary
- running commentary
- champagne taste on a beer salary
- subsecretary
- concessionary
- vary
- janizary
- bimillenary
- superprimary
- ecosanctuary
- megaprimary
- incendiary
- bullary
- septcentenary
- poticary
- defining vocabulary
- Borgesian library
- bullary
- hereditary
- hot burglary
- defining-vocabulary
- televisionary
- rudimentary
- honorary
- tricenary
- textuary
- scenary
- silentiary
- unitary
- tricentenary
- portuary
- proprietary
- subdictionary
- nonbeneficiary
- ditionary
- calamary
- exemplary
- femetary
- solitary
- schlockumentary
- solitary
- vexillary
- lemonary
- figary
- acetary
- letuary
- maxillary
- petrary
- mobile library
- columbary
- ultrarevolutionary
- ladies' auxiliary
- rhyming dictionary
- civil law notary
- climate canary
- false primary
- jannissary
- ambary
- nonproprietary
- drama documentary
- antidocumentary
- bloody mary
- tepary
- veganniversary
- Bloody Mary
- abkary
- electary
- appointment diary
- pronotary
- phyllary
- Latin notary
- septenary
- superciliary
- milliary
- interlineary
- signary
- metadictionary
- imaginary
- factionary
- Hail Mary
- depositary
- supramaxillary
- pseudodocumentary
- monthaversary
- nonbinary
- monthiversary
- postcapillary
- direct primary
- antidotary
- molary
- consuetudinary
- microcapillary
- seintuary
- preprimary
- digital library
- electuary
- naucrary
- pronouncing dictionary
- supplementary
- controlled vocabulary
- silver anniversary
- bercary
- titulary
- legatary
- apocrisiary
- semiauxiliary
- polyzoary
- infomediary
- consectary
- court customary
- soapumentary
- stannary
- dual primary
- subahdary
- agropecuary
- pronunciation dictionary
- boilary
- decaversary
- blomary
- sexcentenary
- webumentary
- abundary
- registrary
- jaggary
- predentary
- antiunitary
- bloomary
- redemptionary
- abortuary
- sententiary
- spermary
- novenary
- rhythmic contemporary
- piscary
- titan primary
- personal fiduciary
- class secretary
- laniary
- pedary
- audio commentary
- minidocumentary
- vespiary
- supercommentary
- sedimentary
- nitrary
- supersalary
- nonsecretary
- regal fritillary
- wildlife sanctuary
- devotary
- legendary
- vulnerary
- donary
- ebrary
- zedoary
- anti-revolutionary
- protocolary
- urban contemporary
- videolibrary
- quinary
- clown-car primary
- lactary
- quadringenary
- lending library
- hyperdictionary
- siserary
- precautionary
- mensiversary
- seditionary
- quadringentenary
- boongary
- vivipary
- donatary
- Typhoid Mary
- southern cassowary
- extended vocabulary
- ostiary
- translating dictionary
- paramilitary
- bog rosemary
- revolutionary
- pecary
- translation dictionary
- supernumerary
- commissary
- scary
- press secretary
- tape library
- General Secretary
- lunary
- marsh fritillary
- sanguinary
- tutelary
- general secretary
- golden anniversary
- metamediary
- customary
- tetranary
- lanary
- photodocumentary
- fictionary
- neoreactionary
- nitriary
- outflow boundary
- annuary
- sea canary
- cyberlibrary
- wooden anniversary
- anagram dictionary
- confessary
- reverse dictionary
- ablephary
- axillary
- pseudovary
- superficiary
- septomaxillary
- reference library
- picture dictionary
- gemmary
- carnary
- cybrary
- processionary
- sacrary
- nonrevolutionary
- disciplinary
- intermaxillary
- maleficiary
- mapinguary
- ruptuary
- datary
- ariary
- referendary
- contact binary
- vestiary
- agiary
- meetaversary
- petary
- coprimary
- nanocapillary
- miner's canary
- shlockumentary
- Carnegie library
- miners' canary
- septuagenary
- sec'tary
- subcontrary
- confessionary
- successary
- zythepsary
- cat that ate the canary
- mantuary
- cat that swallowed the canary
- bibliothecary
- Richard Snary
- foreign secretary
- præliminary
- peritubular capillary
- co-religionary
- preliminary
- decenary
- denary
- termitary
- hebdomadary
- reactionary
- hebdomadiversary
- arrectary
- valetudinary
- passionary
- grain boundary
- ferulary
- prothonotary
- utlary
- agynary
- insectary
- koshary
- decennary
- caravansary
- sectionary
- decennary
- emphyteuticary
- sudary
- milertary
- buttillary
- actionary
- coronary
- quandrary
- platypusary
- dateaversary
- platypussary
- temporary
- formicary
- alveary
- manuary
- convulsionary
- feudary
- jungle primary
- tracheary
- predictionary
- feudatary
- noctuary
- Under Secretary
- subordinary
- mandatary
- stranguary
- Home Secretary
- religionary
- parcenary
- hypothecary
- superliminary
- mirabilary
- armamentary
- stalkumentary
- counterrevolutionary
- hermitary
- collabulary
- fedary
- receptary
- ubiquitary
- macrolarvipary
- dark green fritillary
- abecedary
- passive vocabulary
- Ordinary
- parietary
- mockumentary
- cessionary
- coreligionary
- oblationary
- abecediary
- heath fritillary
- sextary
- sextary
- Glanville fritillary
- potecary
- metasummary
- benedictionary
- octocentenary
- tertiary
- alphasyllabary
- zemindary
- non-binary
- numerary
- spectroscopic binary
- vlogumentary
- finary
- mocumentary
- red factor canary
- adult contemporary
- coboundary
- complementary
- evangelistary
- muscle Mary
- wiktionary
- destinatary
- warrant canary
- film library
- antimissionary
- plenipotentiary
- mutuary
- proseminary
- pearl-bordered fritillary
- promptuary
- nonlibrary
- stercorary
- plagiary
- gramary
- Verde Mary
- æstuary
- e-library
- accipitary
- aloedary
- chartulary
- consignatary
- modal auxiliary
- revestiary
- walking dictionary
- accipitrary
- panary
- penal rosary
- antirevolutionary
- social commentary
- fuckumentary
- gender binary
- retiary
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.