- okey-doke
- halleluja
- goddammit
- righty-ho
- inshallah
- bismillah
- toodle-oo
- chrissake
- unberufen
- oh em gee
- Oh Em Gee
- batter up
- land sake
- peace out
- au revoir
- oh my God
- oh my god
- chin chin
- here goes
- leave off
- good Lord
- good luck
- muahahaha
- ding dong
- chin-chin
- yessirree
- oh really
- corblimey
- long time
- very well
- holy crap
- woe is me
- oh-em-gee
- 'dswounds
- great job
- down with
- holy crow
- holy damn
- bless you
- good show
- holy fuck
- thattaboy
- consarnit
- holy hell
- end quote
- no can do
- goldurnit
- no chance
- pray tell
- holy moly
- steady on
- amidships
- alackaday
- holy piss
- boom-boom
- halleluia
- woof-woof
- holy shit
- dagnabbit
- mazal tov
- dagnammit
- lovanenty
- bahala na
- ooh ah ah
- take care
- ooh la la
- tarantara
- ooh-ah-ah
- okeydokey
- newsflash
- kowabunga
- checkmate
- waky waky
- gods damn
- atta girl
- alley oop
- fuck yeah
- mashallah
- allez oop
- big whoop
- drop dead
- whoopy do
- for shame
- man alive
- thank God
- thank god
- screw off
- go wonder
- boohoohoo
- whoopy-do
- outasight
- chop chop
- demnition
- goldarnit
- screw you
- afternoon
- ringaling
- thank you
- mazel tov
- fuckaduck
- ermahgerd
- chop-chop
- tick tock
- sod a dog
- ermergerd
- boy howdy
- aw shucks
- God bless
- tick-tock
- full stop
- dear Lord
- golly gee
- hands off
- true that
- tra-la-la
- aunt nell
- dearie me
- cha-ching
- poor show
- pish posh
- hard luck
- shit fire
- blah blah
- lamesauce
- what-what
- dadgummit
- ship ahoy
- look here
- God speed
- nanu-nanu
- fuckin' A
- loveaduck
- gardy loo
- fucking A
- God-speed
- gosh darn
- nota bene
- shit yeah
- ker-thump
- way to go
- Abyssinia
- well done
- tatty bye
- take that
- land ahoy
- all right
- gall dang
- same same
- mamma mia
- woopty-do
- well said
- woopy doo
- woopy-doo
- attention
- upsadaisy
- asdfghjkl
- gorblimey
- goddamnit
- gloriosky
- shitcakes
- stroll on
- oy gevalt
- bada bing
- bada boom
- firetruck
- cowabunga
- kersplosh
- allrighty
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.