- Gordon Bennett
- har de har har
- oh my goodness
- for $500, Alex
- that's just me
- dammit to hell
- damn and blast
- hell and tommy
- holy guacamole
- damn your eyes
- damn your hide
- lest we forget
- presto changeo
- for God's sake
- heaven forfend
- gee whilligers
- gee whillikers
- alack and alas
- bish bash bosh
- son of a bitch
- gee willickers
- suffering cats
- set phasers to
- salaam alaikum
- don't go there
- whoops-a-daisy
- calm your tits
- I'll be damned
- thank goodness
- hasta la pasta
- never you mind
- Gott in Himmel
- most certainly
- blood and ouns
- blimey O'Riley
- what the Devil
- Jiminy Cricket
- jiminy cricket
- thanks a bunch
- hip hip hoorah
- hip hip hooray
- stap my vitals
- hip hip hurrah
- astaghfirullah
- get outta here
- blah blah blah
- happy birthday
- strike a light
- elephant juice
- oggy oggy oggy
- fuhgeddaboudit
- fuhgeddaboutit
- alas and alack
- crickety-crack
- what's cooking
- mirabile dictu
- goody gumdrops
- cockadoodledoo
- what's popping
- what's shaking
- I should cocoa
- all systems go
- just wondering
- om nom nom nom
- Goddess forbid
- trick or treat
- hold the phone
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.