- tut
- dammit
- tut-tut
- goddammit
- howzat
- goddamit
- whiskey tango foxtrot
- phut
- oright
- net-net
- rat-tat-tat
- Christ
- so what
- chewie on ya boot
- goddidit
- Goddidit
- leave it out
- Gordon Bennett
- get bent
- whisky tango foxtrot
- white rabbit
- peace out
- g'night
- avast
- prosit
- blow me tight
- areet
- you know it
- shazbot
- hang it
- avaunt
- you knows it
- do what
- alreet
- 'ave it
- lolwut
- pssht
- alright
- fact
- pssst
- whist
- holy cricket
- psst
- pst
- zot
- damn and blast
- hist
- content
- damn it
- nyet
- you what
- consarn it
- how embarrassment
- damn straight
- get it
- consarnit
- respect
- phpht
- night
- butter my butt and call it a biscuit
- sleep tight
- suck it
- butter my butt and call me a biscuit
- lest we forget
- goldurnit
- what
- no comment
- get lost
- to say the least
- not
- fuck it
- bzzt
- ready about
- bzzzt
- awreet
- awright
- holy shit
- dagnabbit
- don't
- shweet
- dagnabit
- dagnammit
- think fast
- night night
- chit
- jeet
- damnit
- great Scott
- soft
- tough shit
- dang it
- vivat
- Jesus Christ
- curse it
- Jesus H. Christ
- sheeyit
- Jesus Harold Christ
- jumping Jehoshaphat
- don't I know it
- stoppit
- take heart
- fuck your mother's cunt
- what hath God wrought
- screw it
- Jesus wept
- st
- my foot
- bon appetit
- what is it
- my giddy aunt
- bon appétit
- outasight
- I'll be shot
- I'll drink to that
- goldarnit
- over and out
- cockshit
- tut tut
- dangit
- easy does it
- is it
- bring it
- yeet
- true dat
- my sainted aunt
- Jehoshaphat
- what of it
- oll korrect
- cuntshit
- Oll Korrect
- foggetaboutit
- sod it
- status report
- come off it
- shiyit
- be quiet
- fancy that
- Jiminy Cricket
- jiminy cricket
- god dammit
- for the love of shit
- transform and roll out
- true that
- proot
- tweet
- get out
- shit
- 'sfoot
- tattarrattat
- thanks a lot
- fuggedaboudit
- blast
- drat
- eat it
- what-what
- dadgummit
- no shit
- eat my dust
- right
- Judas Priest
- shiiit
- strike a light
- howsit
- pshht
- psht
- pht
- pfft
- eat shit
- placet
- phfft
- frig it
- phht
- whatever floats your boat
- howzit
- far out
- fiddlefart
- hello yourself, and see how you like it
- a'right
- fuhgedaboudit
- fuhgedaboutit
- fuhgeddaboudit
- fuhgeddaboutit
- whaddayawant
- sheeit
- godammit
- bullshit
- goshdangit
- the hell with it
- ribbit
- time out
- goshdarnit
- hut
- wheesht
- back of the net
- lol wut
- result
- you bet
- take that
- izzit
- all right
- gesundheit
- well met
- spoiler alert
- that does it
- fuckshit
- great
- whisht
- yeah right
- fast
- yeah, right
- shoot
- goddamnit
- that tears it
- oy gevalt
- lookit
- privet
- roger that
- woot
- stuff it
- nut
- dot dot dot
- quiet
- rat-a-tat-tat
- all the best
- trick or treat
- great Caesar's ghost
- kersplat
- goddessdammit
- fut
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.