Interjections beginning with the consonant p (116)

  • phew
  • presto
  • pow
  • pop
  • pah
  • poo
  • pugh
  • pardie
  • peow
  • phoh
  • phut
  • peace be upon him
  • peace be with you
  • phweep
  • phwoar
  • phwoarr
  • pardon
  • poof
  • pardon the expression
  • peace out
  • prethe
  • proface
  • plinkety
  • prethee
  • prosit
  • poogh
  • pip pip
  • pooh
  • pip-pip
  • pardy
  • pssh
  • psshaw
  • pssht
  • pssst
  • psst
  • pst
  • please God
  • pocketa-queep
  • peas and rice
  • proper job
  • psych
  • phpht
  • presto change-o
  • presto changeo
  • pray tell
  • presto chango
  • Polo
  • pleasure
  • psyche
  • ptew
  • plonk
  • psychedelic
  • poop
  • ploop
  • parp
  • pogh
  • poda patti
  • praise the Lord
  • pew
  • pew
  • praytell
  • pretty please
  • PBUH
  • period
  • pee-ew
  • pity
  • ptooey
  • ptooie
  • purr
  • pillaloo
  • ptui
  • poor diddums
  • posh
  • pad
  • poh
  • pax
  • proot
  • puh
  • peccavi
  • prithee
  • parfay
  • pish
  • poor show
  • paxis
  • pish posh
  • pfaugh
  • pho
  • psha
  • pshaw
  • pshh
  • pshh
  • pshht
  • perdie
  • psht
  • pff
  • pht
  • pfff
  • pfft
  • placet
  • phfft
  • phht
  • piss be upon him
  • potayto, potahto
  • perdy
  • pfui
  • pouf
  • phoo
  • phooee
  • prythee
  • phooey
  • piss off
  • padiddle
  • point taken
  • privet
  • pull
  • peace

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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