- when
- while
- where
- whether
- whereas
- whilst
- whereupon
- whereat
- whilest
- whyle
- whylest
- whylst
- whilom
- without
- whilome
- when, as, and if
- whenas
- whence
- whenever
- wherealong
- whereäs
- where'er
- wai
- wherefore
- wherein
- whereinafter
- whereinbefore
- whereof
- whereout
- whereover
- wheresoe'er
- wheresoeer
- wheresoever
- wherethan
- wheretoward
- whereunto
- wherever
- wythowt
- whethersoever
- wythowte
- wen
- when as
- while one is about it
- while one is at it
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.