- spectrophotometrically
- electrophysiologically
- dendroclimatologically
- all things being equal
- criss-cross applesauce
- electrometallurgically
- anthropogeographically
- for a song and a dance
- phytopharmacologically
- cyclostratigraphically
- photoheterotrophically
- ethnopharmacologically
- by the looks of things
- lock, stock and barrel
- semiautobiographically
- like nobody's business
- palaeoceanographically
- not in a million years
- posteroventrolaterally
- phonocardiographically
- microiontophoretically
- socioanthropologically
- better late than never
- nose to the grindstone
- elastohydrodynamically
- extracytoplasmatically
- epiphenomenalistically
- left, right and center
- left, right and centre
- photoelectrochemically
- anarcha-feministically
- intratelencephalically
- chronoamperometrically
- lithostratigraphically
- neuropharmacologically
- right, left and center
- right, left and centre
- when heck freezes over
- when Hell freezes over
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.