Adjectives with 23 letters (59)

  • intracerebroventricular
  • electroencephalographic
  • first-come-first-served
  • politico-administrative
  • microspectrophotometric
  • bored out of one's tree
  • wrong on so many levels
  • philatelically inspired
  • magnetoencephalographic
  • sympathoadrenomedullary
  • negative-edge-triggered
  • famous for being famous
  • parasympatheticomimetic
  • tight as a gnat's chuff
  • hypergammaglobulinaemic
  • electrochemiluminescent
  • immunohistopathological
  • four sheets to the wind
  • uveomeningoencephalitic
  • cruising for a bruising
  • pure as the driven snow
  • soft as a baby's bottom
  • horizontally challenged
  • strict-sense stationary
  • pharmacoepidemiological
  • collectively exhaustive
  • stereophotogrammetrical
  • perchloroheteroaromatic
  • perfluoroheteroaromatic
  • nonhypercholesterolemic
  • magnetothermoelectrical
  • not long for this world
  • as English as apple pie
  • Canadian as maple syrup
  • paleomagnetochronologic
  • not worth a Continental
  • chemolithoheterotrophic
  • not worth a plug nickel
  • immunochemiluminometric
  • mile wide and inch deep
  • positive edge-triggered
  • Judeo-Christian-Islamic
  • embarrassingly parallel
  • too big for one's boots
  • follicularly challenged
  • too good for this world
  • bent as a nine-bob note
  • positive-edge-triggered
  • philosophical anarchist
  • neuropathophysiological
  • right stochastic matrix
  • cut from the same cloth
  • esthetically challenged
  • polyaminopolycarboxylic
  • temporoparietooccipital
  • anarcho-individualistic
  • individualist anarchist
  • negative edge-triggered
  • bored out of one's mind

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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