Adjectives with stress in the 3rd syllable (500)

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  • economic
  • international
  • individual
  • independent
  • democratic
  • educational
  • academic
  • parliamentary
  • agricultural
  • comprehensive
  • electronic
  • constitutional
  • theoretical
  • psychological
  • overseas
  • universal
  • medieval
  • intellectual
  • revolutionary
  • automatic
  • satisfactory
  • presidential
  • controversial
  • unexpected
  • artificial
  • institutional
  • diplomatic
  • realistic
  • systematic
  • metropolitan
  • indirect
  • sympathetic
  • representative
  • intermediate
  • mathematical
  • inappropriate
  • unacceptable
  • optimistic
  • horizontal
  • confidential
  • psychiatric
  • evolutionary
  • disciplinary
  • ministerial
  • geological
  • photographic
  • interactive
  • complementary
  • premature
  • radioactive
  • unfamiliar
  • problematic
  • demographic
  • ecological
  • accidental
  • incomplete
  • contradictory
  • incorrect
  • therapeutic
  • homosexual
  • inconsistent
  • simultaneous
  • differential
  • reminiscent
  • alcoholic
  • picturesque
  • up-to-date
  • gravitational
  • geometric
  • periodic
  • gastrointestinal
  • economical
  • pharmaceutical
  • homogeneous
  • irresistible
  • inexperienced
  • hypothetical
  • indispensable
  • irresponsible
  • evangelical
  • overweight
  • pessimistic
  • ornamental
  • vegetarian
  • adolescent
  • illegitimate
  • intravenous
  • metaphysical
  • incidental
  • detrimental
  • unconditional
  • obsolete
  • intermittent
  • ecumenical
  • overdue
  • conscientious
  • longitudinal
  • complimentary
  • aromatic
  • morphological
  • disproportionate
  • enigmatic
  • rudimentary
  • paramilitary
  • catalytic
  • paradoxical
  • unequivocal
  • inconceivable
  • astronomical
  • parasitic
  • miscellaneous
  • analytic
  • microscopic
  • inexplicable
  • suicidal
  • alphabetical
  • cosmopolitan
  • instantaneous
  • anatomical
  • esoteric
  • multi-million
  • aboriginal
  • actuarial
  • infrared
  • indeterminate
  • congregational
  • immaterial
  • metaphorical
  • cytoplasmic
  • observational
  • disagreeable
  • interchangeable
  • geophysical
  • mediocre
  • multicultural
  • referential
  • superstitious
  • anecdotal
  • circumstantial
  • anaerobic
  • cavalier
  • untoward
  • cinematic
  • altruistic
  • disaffected
  • antecedent
  • anorexic
  • acrimonious
  • pedagogic
  • unintelligible
  • overjoyed
  • well-to-do
  • transcendental
  • hypocritical
  • libertarian
  • algebraic
  • percutaneous
  • unicameral
  • imprecise
  • schizophrenic
  • deleterious
  • undivided
  • mechanistic
  • idiopathic
  • perpendicular
  • apostolic
  • unremitting
  • dictatorial
  • indistinct
  • inconspicuous
  • irreducible
  • hegemonic
  • uninformed
  • incandescent
  • indecisive
  • apathetic
  • sinusoidal
  • deferential
  • allegorical
  • subcutaneous
  • evidential
  • ostentatious
  • introspective
  • unpretentious
  • puritanical
  • disembodied
  • idiotic
  • unabated
  • phenotypic
  • uninitiated
  • symbiotic
  • verifiable
  • cartographic
  • indefatigable
  • orthographic
  • inelastic
  • back-to-back
  • vitriolic
  • disingenuous
  • adjectival
  • polymeric
  • inadvertent
  • disobedient
  • ritualistic
  • telescopic
  • multilingual
  • metamorphic
  • biodegradable
  • quintessential
  • prophylactic
  • narcissistic
  • technocratic
  • definitional
  • iridescent
  • unabashed
  • dielectric
  • surreptitious
  • ignominious
  • hedonistic
  • interstitial
  • telepathic
  • multifarious
  • diuretic
  • hypertrophic
  • episodic
  • impolite
  • unadorned
  • countrywide
  • debonair
  • semiotic
  • magisterial
  • disrespectful
  • matrilineal
  • irrefutable
  • monotonic
  • supercilious
  • unencumbered
  • metastatic
  • antisocial
  • providential
  • internecine
  • photogenic
  • uninspired
  • homozygous
  • patrilineal
  • sanctimonious
  • impecunious
  • labyrinthine
  • elegiac
  • hydrostatic
  • atavistic
  • formulaic
  • paralytic
  • polymorphic
  • effervescent
  • soporific
  • hypodermic
  • asymptotic
  • meritorious
  • inconsiderate
  • anthelmintic
  • statuesque
  • sacrilegious
  • parsimonious
  • obsolescent
  • interrogative
  • irredeemable
  • unbecoming
  • deconstructive
  • sycophantic
  • histrionic
  • amniotic
  • avaricious
  • injudicious
  • godforsaken
  • counterfactual
  • periglacial
  • anticlockwise
  • hypotonic
  • inattentive
  • diachronic
  • endothermic
  • epidural
  • catatonic
  • gonococcal
  • superannuated
  • retroactive
  • expeditious
  • irreligious
  • evanescent
  • honorific
  • luminescent
  • unselected
  • antiquarian
  • meretricious
  • cybernetic
  • elephantine
  • orogenic
  • millenarian
  • orgiastic
  • adiabatic
  • incommensurable
  • contralateral
  • kinematic
  • isometric
  • isomorphic
  • insectivorous
  • ahistorical
  • apoplectic
  • ineluctable
  • ideational
  • equidistant
  • platitudinous
  • adventitious
  • homoerotic
  • occidental
  • twenty-seventh
  • undemonstrative
  • aphrodisiac
  • pharyngeal
  • interbedded
  • zygomatic
  • hierarchic
  • imperturbable
  • endometrial
  • uncreative
  • avionic
  • parastatal
  • disyllabic
  • lackadaisical
  • hypnagogic
  • impermissible
  • jingoistic
  • underage
  • barometric
  • pharaonic
  • differentiable
  • incognito
  • supernormal
  • masturbatory
  • monomorphic
  • unamused
  • academical
  • undeserving
  • protozoan
  • pyrotechnic
  • narratorial
  • overweening
  • hieroglyphic
  • calligraphic
  • intercalary
  • homeostatic
  • sybaritic
  • perspicacious
  • multipolar
  • hexadecimal
  • antinomian
  • misanthropic
  • metonymic
  • nosocomial
  • lilliputian
  • prebiotic
  • ipsilateral
  • salicylic
  • azimuthal
  • proinflammatory
  • sacerdotal
  • aspirational
  • pusillanimous
  • intervallic
  • underwired
  • overwrought
  • ambidextrous
  • univocal
  • theoretic
  • irresolvable
  • autocephalous
  • janitorial
  • theosophical
  • monologic
  • equinoctial
  • epidemic
  • argillaceous
  • misbegotten
  • abiotic
  • brobdingnagian
  • otherworldly
  • dinosaurian
  • homosocial
  • mythopoeic
  • preternatural
  • talismanic
  • polysemic
  • unalike
  • pertinacious
  • quadrilateral
  • insalubrious
  • maladroit
  • geologic
  • geocentric
  • double-dealing
  • overlarge
  • eleemosynary
  • aliphatic
  • syncretistic
  • extrasensory
  • morganatic
  • quadriplegic
  • phallocentric
  • sempiternal
  • inotropic
  • steatopygous
  • neurasthenic
  • penitentiary
  • intercostal
  • allopathic
  • pluripotent
  • agonistic
  • prelapsarian
  • politique
  • decomposable
  • trisyllabic
  • ill-intentioned
  • cadaveric
  • infelicitous
  • paregoric
  • climacteric
  • consubstantial
  • soi-disant
  • hoity-toity
  • contumacious
  • disproportional
  • ammoniacal
  • ultralight
  • postvocalic
  • polytonal
  • ventriloquial
  • abolitionist
  • noncommittal
  • underaged
  • bimetallic
  • archaistic
  • consanguineous
  • arborescent
  • archdiocesan
  • assertoric
  • self-existent
  • chiliastic
  • homeotic
  • excommunicate
  • ratiocinative
  • oxymoronic
  • harum-scarum
  • hermeneutical
  • centenarian
  • achromatic
  • overmastering
  • oleaginous
  • paradisal
  • unconstructive
  • oxytocic
  • polycystic
  • undistinguishable
  • nice-but-dim
  • unafraid
  • taurocholic
  • allogeneic
  • pharisaical
  • mesomorphic
  • entomophilous
  • intercrural
  • labyrinthian
  • hymeneal
  • anorectic
  • theocentric
  • casuistic
  • hydroponic
  • irregardless
  • semipermeable
  • disharmonious
  • empyrean
  • precedential
  • diamagnetic
  • unenfranchised
  • funkadelic
  • world-historical
  • sacroiliac
  • interocular
  • phantasmatic
  • periphrastic
  • ovulatory
  • graminivorous
  • unapproached
  • aeronautic
  • inappreciable
  • multivocal
  • bisyllabic
  • dermatitic
  • endorheic
  • emblematical

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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